Alaska Wing
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Non-AK Encampment Opportunities

[updated 10 May 2023]



See document attached to this webpage


Please see the announcement for executive cadre selection for ORWG Winter encampment. please distribute either thru email or web based sharing to your units.  The attached PDF has an embedded link for them to apply thru.



Instead of a single announcement for all cadet staff, the Cadet Commander has elected to announce in two phases.  This would be the first phase for his executive staff and select directorate leads.

LT Col Harold Buchanan

Vice Commander, Oregon Wing

Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary

(M) 760-475-3009


3/11/23 Invitation to Phase IV Cadets for CEC for 2023 ORWG Winter Encampment


Feel Free to forward this to any Phase IV cadet you are tracking may be interested in Winter Encampment Command in Oregon 26DEC23-3JAN24.  Once applications are received interviews will be scheduled. Full disclosure, cadets previously serving as Squadron Commander, Executive staff, or directors have a significant advantage over Phase IV cadets who have not participated previously. However, I have no idea who wants to apply, or how the interviews will go. I am not planning to hire a cadet to command who has previously cadet commanded any encampment, however Superintendents who have previously commanded encampments are welcome.

I am LtCol Harold Buchanan the Oregon Wing Encampment Commander for 26DEC 23-3JAN 24. Chief Barnett, The ORWG Senior NCO advisor to the Wing Commander has agreed to be the Commandant for this year's Encampment. He and I will review the applicants for Group commander and superintendent - and set up interviews - starting in April

Doing something a bit different this year. Hiring the Cadet Commander and Group Superintendent earlier - and including them in the process of sending out the cadre application window etc. We plan to have our cadet commander and superintendent selected by the 1st of May.  Then the commander and superintendent will work with Chief Barnett (and me) in publishing cadre announcement in May and later - start selecting cadet Cadre and then announcing the encampment by August

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