Alaska Wing
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Activity Directors

[updated 8Apr24]

The following Alaska Wing positions are available for all AKWG Senior Members to apply for.  For more information, or to express interest in assisting the activity directors, please email

To Alaska Wing Senior Members,

Alaska Wing Cadet Programs is soliciting applications for the following positions:

  • CAC (Cadet Advisory Council) Assistant Senior Member Advisor (virtual meetings 2-3 times/month year-round)--Resume and Letter of Intent due 8pm Tuesday, 30 Apr 2024 to
  • Cadet Competition Activity Director (2024 AKWG Competition tentatively scheduled for Virtual Part 1 Sat 30 Nov 2024, In-person Part 2 Sat 7 Dec 2024) Maj Ed Stickel generously offers his mentorship to the new Competition Activity Director selected.  Maj Stickel has directed the previous two AKWG Cadet Competitions and coached the two-time National Runner-Up team for many years.  The primary objective of the AKWG Cadet Competition is to raise the bar for excellence wing-wide.  This is accomplished by involving the maximum number of units and cadets possible and helping the teams learn about cadet competition and prepare to the maximum extent possible through frequent communications and webinars leading up to the competition.  Resumes and Letters of Intent due by 8pm Friday, 31 May 2024 to

To Be Announced July 2024:

  • CAC (Cadet Advisory Council) Senior Member Advisor (virtual meetings 2-3 times/month year-round)
  • NEW: National Legislative Day Project Officer: (Training Nov 2024-Feb 2025, travel to Washington, DC with selected cadets roughly 25 Feb - 2 Mar 2025)
  • NEW: Pacific Region Conference Cadet Attendance Coordinator: (March or April 2025, Location TBD)
  • Encampment Commander (2025 AKWG Encampment tentatively scheduled for 12-21 June 2025)
  • Glider Flight Academy Activity Director (2024 AKWG Glider Academy tentatively scheduled for 23 May-1 June 2025)
  • Powered Flight Academy (Distributed) Activity Director (need not be a pilot!) (2024 AKWG/National Powered Flight Academy takes place in instructors' and/or cadet students' home towns on their own schedule roughly 1 Mar -15 May 2025)

To apply, please email a CAP resume and cover letter to  by 2000 hrs (8:00pm) on Saturday, 31 August 31 2024.

We ask that you name your attached files in the following format: LASTNAME.FI.CAPID.2024Activity.Document (ie CURRY.J.123456.2024CAC.Resume)

Additional information:

  • A CAP resume and cover letter template the cadets use is available here.  Feel free to use it as a starting point:
  • Please reply ASAP to this email if you want more info about any of the openings.
  • Please also reply to this email if you would like to assist any of the Activity Directors, and state which activities you'd like to support
  • All AKWG SMs are welcome to apply, even if you have not yet been actively involved in CAP Cadet Programs
  • Info periodically updated here:

We appreciate your interest in these phenomenal cadet activities, and we appreciate all you do for the Civil Air Patrol!

Brief Job Descriptions:

Cadet Competition Activity Director 

CAC (Cadet Advisory Council) Senior Member Advisor (virtual meetings 2-3 times/month year-round)

NEW: National Legislative Day Project Officer

  • Solicit Cadet to apply (Ideally high school juniors planning to apply to US service academies)
  • Cadet Selection Process (a Google form has been created), interviews recommended
  • Cadet Notification and Travel Coordination (transportation from home to ANC/FAI/JNU airport, Alaska lodging if necessary, flights to and from Washington DC, lodging in Washington DC, transportation and meals in Washington, DC, other cadet support as needed)
  • Connect cadets to National NLD team training
  • Coordinate with other Pacific Region Cadet NLD teams
  • Travel with cadets to Washington, DC and serve as their escort
  • Arrange and attend Washington DC-area sight-seeing with the AKWG cadets

NEW: Pacific Region Conference Coordinator:

Encampment Commander (2024 AKWG Encampment scheduled for 13-22 June 2024)

Glider Flight Academy Activity Director (2024 AKWG Glider Academy tentatively scheduled for 24 May-2 June 2024)

Powered Flight Academy (Distributed) Activity Director (need not be a pilot!) (2024 AKWG/National Powered Flight Academy takes place in instructors' and/or cadet students' home towns on their own schedule roughly 1 Mar -31 May 2024)

  • Coordinating with students ahead of time to make sure they were getting their pre-work done (Medicals, Student Pilot Certificates, starting on ground school/ground training, etc)
  • Matching students with the instructor pilots (IPs)
  • Tracking students' progress through the syllabus
  • Tracking use of hours against funded hours
  • Some WMIRs work (I believe IPs enter most of their own flights, though a director or assistant director who is familiar with WIMRS could help)
  • Selecting the Distinguished Graduate
  • Filing the final NCSA report with CAP National Headquarters.



15 Sep 2023 update:

The below Activity Director positions for the 2024 Fiscal Year (Oct 2024-Sep 2023) have been filled

  • Cadet Competition Activity Director (2023 AKWG Competition scheduled for Virtual Part 1 Sat 25 Nov 2023, In-person Part 2 Sat 2 Dec 2023)--Maj Ed Stickel, Cadet Commander C/Lt Col Michael Porter
  • CAC (Cadet Advisory Council) Senior Member Advisor (virtual meetings 2-3 times/month year-round)--SM Advisor 2d Lt Rick Benedict, Asst SM Advisor 2d Lt Colin Pawletzki, Cadet Wing Chair: C/Maj Thomas Clifton
  • Encampment Commander (2024 AKWG Encampment scheduled for 13-22 June 2024)--Lt Col Brian "Irish" Porter
  • Glider Flight Academy Activity Director (2024 AKWG Glider Academy tentatively scheduled for 24 May-2 June 2024)--Lt Col Brian "Irish" Porter
  • Powered Flight Academy (Distributed) Activity Director (need not be a pilot!) (2024 AKWG/National Powered Flight Academy takes place in instructors' and/or cadet students' home towns on their own schedule roughly 1 Mar -31 May 2024)--Maj Ben Padgett


Announced August 2023:

The following Alaska Wing positions are available for all AKWG Senior Members to apply for.  For more information, or to express interest in assisting the activity directors, please email

To Alaska Wing Senior Members,

Alaska Wing Cadet Programs is soliciting applications for the following positions:

  • Cadet Competition Activity Director (2023 AKWG Competition scheduled for Virtual Part 1 Sat 25 Nov 2023, In-person Part 2 Sat 2 Dec 2023)
  • CAC (Cadet Advisory Council) Senior Member Advisor (virtual meetings 2-3 times/month year-round)
  • Encampment Commander (2024 AKWG Encampment scheduled for 13-22 June 2024)
  • Glider Flight Academy Activity Director (2024 AKWG Glider Academy tentatively scheduled for 24 May-2 June 2024)
  • Powered Flight Academy (Distributed) Activity Director (need not be a pilot!) (2024 AKWG/National Powered Flight Academy takes place in instructors' and/or cadet students' home towns on their own schedule roughly 1 Mar -31 May 2024)

To apply, please email a CAP resume and cover letter to  by 2000 hrs (8:00pm) on Thursday, August 31, 2023.

We ask that you name your attached files in the following format: LASTNAME.FI.CAPID.2024Activity.Document (ie CURRY.J.123456.2024CAC.Resume)

Additional information:

  • A CAP resume and cover letter template the cadets use is available here.  Feel free to use it as a starting point:
  • Please reply ASAP to this email if you want more info about any of the openings.
  • Please also reply to this email if you would like to assist and of the Activity Directors, and state which activities you'd like to support
  • All AKWG SMs welcome to apply, even if you have not yet been actively involved in CAP Cadet Programs
  • Info periodically updated here:

We appreciate your interest in these phenomenal cadet activities, and we appreciate all you do for the Civil Air Patrol!

© 2024 Civil Air Patrol. All rights reserved.