Alaska Wing
Main Content

Cadet Cadre

 (updated 12 Jan 22)


FROM: 2022 AKWG Summer Encampment Interim Commandant of Cadets

SUBJECT: 2022 Encampment Request for Cadet Cadre Applications

1. At this time, applications for select cadet cadre positions for the 2022 Alaska Wing Summer Encampment are open and applications will be accepted until 2000 hours on Wednesday, 9 February 2022. To be eligible to serve as a Cadet Cadre member, a cadet must have previously graduated from a CAP encampment.

2. Applications for the following positions are currently being accepted. Descriptions for these positions can be found in the right-hand column of this webpage.

a. Cadet First Sergeant

b. Cadet Flight Commander

c. Cadet Flight Sergeant

d. Cadet Administration OIC/NCOIC

e. Cadet Administration Assistant

f. Cadet Logistics OIC/NCOIC

g. Cadet Logistics Assistant

h. Cadet Public Affairs Assistant

i. Cadet Safety OIC/NCOIC

j. Cadet Safety Assistant

k. Cadet Stan/Eval NCO

3. Cadets interested in applying for these positions must submit:

a. A single page letter of intent (LOI) using the attached template

b. A copy of your member search report

4. Create a PDF copy of your LOI and title it with your last name, first initial, CAPID, and “2022LOI” as follows: CURRY.J.123456.2022LOI See CAPP 1-2 for details on the business style letter format.

5. To obtain your Member Search Report, log in to eServices, select “Administration” from the pulldown menu in the upper left, then select “Member Search.” Click on the blue link below your picture that says, “Member Search Report.” Print to pdf and title the resulting PDF with your last name, first initial, CAPID, and “2022MSR” as follows: CURRY.J.123456.2022MSR   Do not submit your member search report as a link.

6. Upload the above two documents to the supplemental resume google form available through this link by selecting “Start a new Application” and completing the additional information requested in the form. 2022 AKWG Encampment Staff Supplemental Resume

(NOTE: It is best if you are logged in using your CAP GMail account.  Instructions for setting it up and using it are here:  Settings for Google Accounts from Anchorage School District & possibly other school districts will not allow you to fill out this form)

7. Cadets who have already completed this process as part of a Cadet Executive Cadre Application, if you so choose, you may update your position preferences by selecting “Update Preferences” in the form linked above. Be aware that regardless of whether you chose to update your application, you will automatically be considered for any of the open positions.

8. As part of the selection process, applicants will be expected to participate in a Cadre Selection Exercise that will take place in mid-February. We will offer both an in-person and virtual option for completing the requirements. Be on the lookout for additional information about this event.

9. Updates on the selection process will be regularly posted to the Alaska Wing website on this page.

//Signed, bhp, 12 Jan 2022//

BRIAN H. PORTER, Lt Col, CAP Interim Commandant

Attachment: LOI Template, 12 Jan 22

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