Alaska Wing
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2022 NCSAs

(updated 12 Mar 2023)

3/11/23 Alaska Wing NCSA Update email:

To AKWG Cadets who applied for NCSAs/NFAs (and parents & DCCs):

(NCSA=National Cadet Special Activity. NFA=National Flight Academy--I'll just refer to all of them as NCSAs)

Based on what I'm seeing in some Facebook groups, parents around the country are very anxious about their cadets' acceptance (slotting) or waitlisting (alternate status) for NCSAs.

Please bear with National Cadet Programs as they work through the process.  The computer program that usually starts the first huge slotting labor broke down this year.  That's bad  because it's taking longer and people are having to do a lot of it by hand. 

It's also good because they are taking this opportunity to improve some of the process, software, and reports.

This process does keep improving each year!

As the process improves, more and more cadets around the country are becoming aware of NCSAs and applying for them.  There is more competition.  However, if you have not been slotted yet, do not despair.

In a nutshell, my understanding of the process is...

(1) national slots cadets in a first round starting with cadets with the highest number of points and working their way down until as many cadets as possible are slotted for one NCSA 

(2) in the meantime, cadets may be told they are alternates

(3) as cadets slotted cadets accept their position in one NCSA, any other NCSAs they applied for that overlap days are removed from their applications, so alternates move up in priority

(4) when slotted cadets miss their downpayment deadline (3/31, I believe), they lose their slotting, and alternates get slotted

(5) as slotted cadets turn down their positions for various reasons over the course of time (up to 1 week before the activity starts), some alternates get slotted, sometimes just a week before the activity starts! (it's nice for others if you withdraw from any NCSA as soon as you know you're not going to attend)

(6) some NCSAs add more student slots if they see a ton of other cadets are still listed as alternates for their activity and if they're able to

(7) some NCSAs (especially cadet staff positions) wait as long as practicable to slot *any* cadets so those cadets have a better opportunity of getting selected as *students* for one of their other choices

(8) in some rare cases, cadets slotted for one activity get slotted for an additional activity as well.  Generally, though, national wants as *many* cadets as possible to be able to share in the experience of an NCSA.

So basically, someone listed as an alternate could get chosen (slotted) for an activity as close as a week before the activity starts.  I do not know how cadets *not* shown as alternates might become alternates or might end up getting slotted.  I suppose it's a possibility.

I hope this helps with any anxiety you are having regarding  NCSAs. And I hope it helps a bit with your summer plans or your incentive to stay patient and flexible.

Other cool CAP summer activities: As I hear of other wings (states) looking for cadets to staff their encampments, I will list them here:



Capt Karen L Padgett, Alaska Wing Director of Cadet Programs


NHQ Link to National Cadet Special Activity (NCSA)/National Flight Academy (NFA) Information:


Cadets whose eServices NCSA/NFA applications were "on-time" (submitted by 15 Jan 2023 and not changed since then) are eligible to apply for Green Lights for NCSAs & NFAs until 2000 hr (8pm) on Wednesday 25 Jan 2023. Eligible cadets received a one-time email on 17 Jan 2023 from with detailed instructions. 


on 1 Dec 2022, registration for NCSAs opened.  The 15Dec22 update of NCSAs that have been published so far is shown below.  Several NCSAs have not yet been scheduled.  Note that the 2023 AKWG Summer Encampment staff dates are 8-18 June 2023.

Featured NCSAs for AKWG Cadets include Hawk Mountain Ranger School, and staffing the National Cadet Competition.



This summer, cadets have scattered throughout the US, attending various National Cadet Special Activities (NCSAs) and staffing encampments!

National Cadet Special Activities (NCSAs) Featured Participants

More than 20 Alaska Wing cadets have attended NCSAs this summer. Some have already returned! Read their stories below, and refer to the Kodiak Composite Squadron article to read about Kodiak cadets’ experience at the National Cadet Competition! 

Eight AKWG Cadets & a Senior Member attend Hawk Mountain Ranger School (HMRS)

Eight cadets from 5 different AKWG squadrons attended the 2022 Hawk Mountain Ranger School NCSA, and Col Brian “Irish” Porter returned to instruct the Aircrew Survival Class.

Located in Kempton, Pennsylvania, Hawk Mountain Ranger School is the longest-running Search & Rescue School in the nation.  For over 65 years, HMRS has provided high-quality wilderness SAR training to cadets and seniors throughout the country.

C/2d Lt Reagan Benedicts says, “My favorite part of HMRS was the FTX, or Field Training Exercise. I enjoyed the intense physical training and the harsh conditions. We were able to use skills learned before the FTX in the classroom and practice them in a real-world situation. I learned many useful skills I hope to bring back to my squadron. I would highly recommend this activity and plan on returning next year.”

C/TSgt Grania Wegemer says, “My favorite part of my experience at Hawk Mountain was the FTX (field training exercise), where we got to hike up the mountain and really experience what a true SAR mission would be like. What I got out of Hawk was a once-in-a-lifetime experience where I got to truly understand what makes a motivated team. What I recommend to any cadets or Senior Members interested in attending Hawk Mountain is fully prepare yourself for the journey ahead; it will be challenging but one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.”

Other cadets who attended include Cadets Keena Bennett, Sigge Mellerstig, Michael Porter, Paul Smoot, Josiah Wise, and Logan Wong from Fairbanks, Lake Hood, Polaris, Birchwood, and Valdez Squadrons.

C/2d Lt Benedict (right) & Cadet Paul Smoot (center) sporting the signature orange gear at Hawk Mountain Ranger School

C/TSgt Grania Wegemer and other members of Charlie Flight start a fire at HMRS

Padgett attends Space Force Operations Academy (SFOA) at Patrick SFB and has advice for all cadets

In July, C/Lt Col Alan Padgett attended one of the Space Force Operations Academies, this one at Patrick SFB near Cocoa Beach, FL. The purpose of the academy is to expose cadets to careers that support Space Force operations and ideals of leadership and service through aerospace education and training. The SFOA at Patrick SFB included behind-the-scenes tours, briefings, and expert guest speakers on the various aspects of US missions and roles in space. 

Padgett’s favorite part of the SFOA NCSA was seeing the Artemis rocket that is scheduled to launch on August 29, 2022. He also enjoyed having access to things a regular tourist would never see, and meeting people who are discovering new technologies and running experiments.

He recommends cadets talk to people who have been to NCSAs. He encourages all cadets to expand their horizons, explaining that something that may not at first seem interesting often becomes more interesting when you learn more about it. He goes on to say that, in Civil Air Patrol, you will have experiences at NCSAs you will not find anywhere else.

C/Lt Col Alan Padgett checks out apparatus in NASA’s Cryogenics Lab to learn about how NASA engineers design space vehicle components to be suitable for the harsh environment of space.

Martin attends Aircraft Manufacturing Academy (AMA) NCSA in Independence, KS

For the AMA NCSA, cadets spend a week at Textron Aviation doing hands-on work, learning how aircraft are built and how major manufacturers and airlines handle normal and unexpected maintenance problems.  This NCSA is designed for cadets interested in a career in the general aviation industry as pilots or as airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanics.  This NCSA also offers internships, some of which are exclusively for CAP cadets!

In July, C/CMSgt Adrienne Martin attended the AMA NCSA in Independence, KS.  She states, “What I enjoyed most from this activity was the camaraderie with the fellow cadets. I experienced what it was like to work on the airframes, and it brought a more human outlook. I would absolutely recommend attending as it is very important to fully understand the amount of time and skill that goes into the airplanes we fly.”

C/CMSgt Adrienne Martin at the Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing NCSA

Clifton attends Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) NCSA at Columbus AFB, MS

CAP hosts two SUPT NCSAs. In July, C/2d Lt Thomas Clifton attended the SUPT at Columbus AFB, Mississippi. The objective of the Mississippi event is to simulate the US Air Force’s SUPT as closely as possible. Cadets could not receive the USAF pilot training, but they did get a close representation of what the academics, testing, and training environment are like for USAF SUPT students. 

Clifton’s favorite part of the NCSA was the challenge this NCSA presented. Clifton states, “I came into the week dreading the academics. But after the first day, I started to get excited about taking the next test and discovering not only my potential but the entire flight's potential. As the week progressed, our flight formed a very tight-knit team. By the end of the second day, we had begun to learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. That teamwork significantly boosted our performance and our morale. Being a part of that team was my favorite part of this activity.”

Clifton highly recommends this NCSA for other cadets interested in becoming pilots in the US Air Force. His advice, if choosing one SUPT NCSA over another, is to consider that the SUPT in Mississippi is more academic than the one in Texas.

C/MSgt Orion Bender also attended the Columbus AFB SUPT NCSA.

C/2d Lt Tommy Clifton at SUPT NCSA at Columbus AFB, MS

C/MSgt Orion Bender’s flight successfully completes a Team Leadership Problem at the Columbus AFB SUPT

NCSA Participants: Please email your favorite NCSA photo and a few sentences about your NCSA, what your favorite thing was, and why other cadets should apply, to


2022 NCSA Calendar


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