Alaska Wing
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For CDIs/Chaplains (Character Development)

[last updated 3May24]

April 2024 Update

Hello, Alaska CDI Team!

We have lots of good news on the Character Development Instructor front.

1. We now have 9 CDIs in Alaska Wing, up from 4 on 1/1/24. (Rena Anderson, Rick Benedict, Aaron Edwards, Diane Kyser, Karen Padgett, Brian Porter, Julie Rivera, Kristina Schmidt, Reux Stearns)

(Plus 4 Chaplains: Wing Chaplain Maj Kevin Bottjen, Squadron Chaplains Capts Eric Wiseman & Lawrence Ellison & SM Christopher Grossglauser)


2. The Chaplain Corps Specialty Track guide (the one CDIs fall under) has been updated:


Information from previous emails:



If you are still interested in becoming a CDI, below are your next steps.  Please let me know how I can help you with any of those, and please let me know when you would like to schedule your interview.


Next Steps: Your next tasks would be to

  • Complete Level 2 Part 1 (L2P1) of the CAP Education & Training System. Let me know if you are not sure what you need to do to get there.
  • Complete the Character Development Facilitator Training in AXIS (required for anyone helping with CD classes, including cadets--*Very* professionally-prepared, interesting, engaging training) (~1 hr)
  • Complete the Basic Instructor Course in AXIS (if you haven't already) (~2 hr based on your prior instructing knowledge)
  • Familiarize yourself with the Chaplain/CDI reg, particularly the CDI section & 
  • On the application (CAPF 80-2), complete the top portion of p. 1 & the interview questions on p. 2 (See link below)  (~1 hr)
  • Notify your Squadron Commander that you are applying to become a CDI (and cc me if you'd like my help)
  • Contact me to schedule the 30-minute interview  (See link & screensnip of interview questions on the application below my signature)
  • At that point, I'm glad to help you complete the CDI application form & move it through the approval process.



We look forward to having you join the ranks of the CAP Chaplain Corps as a Character Development Instructor!!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Padgett, Karen Capt CAP AK093 <>
Date: Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 9:51 PM
Subject: Raising the bar on Character Development
To: <>

To AKWG TLC Graduates,


BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front)

If you're interested in becoming a Character Development Instructor (CDI), reply to this email stating, "I'm interested!" 


Would you like to be even better equipped to help cadets succeed even in tough times? Are you interested in getting the qualification required to help your squadron commander with the cadets' monthly Character Development discussions?


Please consider becoming a CDI.  The process has just become a lot easier!  AKWG Chaplain Maj Bottjen & I have streamlined the review/appointment process.


If you're interested, reply to this email ( stating, "I'm interested!" 


Then keep reading for more information & next steps you can take right away...



More info: 

Because you have completed the TLC class (Training Leaders of Cadets), you have indicated a dedication to working with and helping cadets.


From the CDI website: "The goal of the Cadet Program’s character element is to develop cadets’ moral reasoning skills and habits that demonstrate their commitment to CAP’s Core Values. CAP develops cadets’ character through academics, service learning, and mentoring. In making decisions, CAP encourages cadets to consider their Core Values, probable outcomes, and the persons they would like to become."


Many of you have already completed the most challenging requirement to become a CDI--Level 2 Part 1 (L2P1) of the CAP Education & Training System.  Please contact me or your squadron E&T officer or me if you're not sure if you've completed it or would like help completing it.


Next Steps: Your next tasks would be to

  • Complete the Character Development Facilitator Training in AXIS (required for anyone helping with CD classes, including cadets--*Very* professionally-prepared, interesting, engaging training) (~1 hr)
  • Complete the Basic Instructor Course in AXIS (if you haven't already) (~2 hr based on your prior instructing knowledge)
  • Familiarize yourself with the Chaplain/CDI reg, particularly the CDI section & application interview questions (See link below)  (~1 hr)
  • Notify your Squadron Commander that you are applying to become a CDI (and cc me if you'd like my help)
  • Contact me to schedule the 30-minute interview  (See link & screensnip of interview questions on the application below my signature)
  • At that point, I'm glad to help you complete the CDI application form & move it through the approval process.



We look forward to having you join the ranks of the CAP Chaplain Corps as a Character Development Instructor!!



Basic Instructor Course (What it looks like in AXIS):



CD Facilitator Training (What it looks like in AXIS, and required for *any* CD helpers including cadets):




CDI Application:






Compliance Elements (Every squadron is supposed to have a chaplain or CDI assigned.  Only Squadron Commanders, chaplains, and CDIs are authorized to facilitate CD lessons):



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