Alaska Wing
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2021 Cadet Competition

7/18/22 Update!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TO the KODIAK SCREAMING EAGLES! 2nd Place overall in the CAP 2022 National Cadet Competition!! 1st in the sUAS competition. 

(updated 3 Dec 2021)



The CAP Cadet Competition showcases the full range of challenges in cadet life experienced at the squadron level and new areas of learning that are important to America.

On Saturday, 4 December 2021, Please join us for our first ever AKWG *Virtual* Cadet Competition!

Five teams are competing

FINAL SCHEDULE: (cao 3Dec21)

Event Chief Judge Asst Judge Event Marshall Asst Marshall Block1   Block2 Block3 Block4 Block5
IPOC Maj Sharon C/CMSgt Clifton C/A1C Luke Cole C/TSgt Ryan Justus Tm1   Tm2 Tm3 Tm4 Tm5
Element Drill Chief Neverly Wake Lt Lynda MacPherson C/2d Lt Wyatt Cole Lt Carlos Rosario Tm4   Tm5 Tm1 Tm2 Tm3
Uniform Inspection Lt Col MacPherson C/2d Lt Wyatt Cole Chief Neverly Wake Lt Carlos Rosario Tm4   Tm5 Tm1 Tm2 Tm3
TLP Capt Schmidt Maj Ben Padgett Capt Tim Cole   Tm3   Tm4 Tm5 Tm1 Tm2


Five teams are competing

  • Birchwood: dmx-dybs-ejj
  • Kodiak: sam-syez-pja
  • Lake Hood: ohg-wpht-ibw
  • Polaris: ovw-rgyj-ect
  • Tok Air Commandos: hfm-tcnn-pwo

Spectating opportunities:

  • Competition HQ will be on Google Meet code aak-zpnn-ajn.
  • To view other teams during the competition, go to their Google Meet codes above.  
  • Spectators must be muted at all times, and must not chat except to identify themselves if their CAP name does not show.
  • Meeting hosts may mute you or remove you from the Google Meet at their discretion.  Please abide by their actions.  Your connection may be electronically disrupting the competition for some reason.  
  • NOTE: Spectators are on their honor to not share *any* information with *any* members of teams in the competition.  If this is found to happen, the team may be disqualified.

Code of Conduct: For all events, judges and scorekeepers are relying heavily on SM escorts to honestly and fairly report results.  We recommend SM escorts take videos and photos to help answer judges questions that may arise. Computer glitches, faulty internet connection, and misinterpretation of event procedures may raise questions. For example, a very high number of curl-ups may cause a judge to question whether the cadet performed competition-style curl-ups (max elbow-to-thigh situps in 60 sec) vs. promotion-style curl-ups (low crunches on 3-sec cadence).  

Welcome & Orientation will begin at 8:00am on Google meet (code aak-zpnn-ajn).

Each team will have its own Google Meet "room."

Events will start every 20 minutes (teams will have breaks between events, judges will not) until 11:10 am.

After a lunch break, the written test will be administered.

The winning team will be announced at 12:00 noon, the following day, Sunday 5 Dec 2021 at the CPC (again at Google Meet code aak-zpnn-ajn).

The winning team will be eligible to compete in the CAP Pacific Region Cadet Competition scheduled for Late March or early April 2022 in Las Vegas, NV.

We recommend all SM Escorts and Cadet Competitors set up their CAP Google accounts.  It may ease the use of the Google Meets, the Google Form (for the written test), the AKWG Google Calendar, Google Drive, and other GSuite items we may utilize during the competition. Instructions are here:  Cadets with CAP GMail accounts will receive a bonus point on the written test.


Dry run/Tech check:  At 10am on Saturday 27 Nov 2021, Judges, SM Escorts, and Team Cadet Commanders practiced going through the motions of the competitionJudges & SM Escorts, discovered the importance of having all Team Google Meet codes handy to be able to move quickly from room to room.  Teams learned the importance of keeping an eye on the screen to admit the judges, especially the CAP-USAF judges who are outside the CAP Google domain.  Judges moved through the 6 Team Rooms at 5-minute intervals to make sure everyone knows how to navigate and manage the Team Rooms and to make sure the computer cameras can be angled to see the cadets performing the visual events (Indoor Posting of Colors, Element Standard Drill, and the TLP).

Team Rooms: 

  • SM Escorts will manage their Team Rooms (ie their team's Google Meet link).
  • SM Escorts can control whether or not they have spectators.  We encourage each team to invite members of their own squadron to observe their team.  SM Escorts have the discretion to remove spectators from their Google Meet.
  • All participants & spectators are on their honor to *not* observe competing teams nor communicate information that would give any team an unfair advantage.

Google Drive: An AKWG Google Drive has been created for teams & judges to upload information. You must be logged into your CAP Google account to access the drive.  CAP-USAF Competition Staff will not be able to access the drive & can email or text score sheets or other information to their event marshall. When you log into using your CAP Google account, you will see a "Shared Drive" called "AKWG Cadet Competition".  This link may also take you there:    That will be our information repository : -)  

Cadet Photo Waivers: A blank cadet photo waiver is attached to this email & is in the website.  Please request all cadets & a parent/guardian to date and to write and sign their names on the waiver.  It's fine if they do it on a phone screen if it's a little messy.  And you can load the forms for all 6 cadets in one file, or upload them individually.  Any format (jpg, pdf, etc) is fine.  Please upload those into the Google Drive in this folder:  


Team Roster Changes: Teams have until midnight Tue 30 Nov 2021  to change or add team members and alternates and to choose an optional 1-word team name (e.g. Arcturus Raptors).  

Supplies for Teams will need to provide the following for themselves:

  • 6 computers with wi-fi access, at least one of which has a camera for judges to view the live events and speakers that can pick up what cadets are saying during the live events
  • Computer chargers
  • Wi-fi access (note: the wi-fi password for all Alaska Wing hangars is probably chenega1959.  Hot spots are recommended as backup)
  • At least one cell phone or other device (in addition to above computer with a camera)  to take photos and video clips of the live events for potential judging questions and for public affairs.
  • Printer--access to a printer is recommended but not essential
  • Ability to play "The Star-Spangled Banner" in such a way that the judges can hear it through the Google Meet
  • Color Guard equipment for posting of the colors
  • 4 orange cones or other high-vis items to distinguish the corners of the indoor area in which cadets will post the colors, perform standard element drill, and work through the Team Leadership Problem (TLP)
  • At least 8 pieces of blank printer paper
  • 1 (or more) writing utensils
  • Tape (a small roll of transparent or masking tape will be sufficient)

Supplies for Teams *and* Staff: 

  • Clocks/watches to stay on schedule and to time the 70-minute written test
  • Uniform for cadets (competitors and staff) is Class B dress blues without tie or tie tab and *with* covers (unless previously excepted)
  • Uniform for SM Escorts & SM staff is Aviators (White shirt, gray pants uniform), Dress Blues, or Corporate (Blue CAP polo, gray pants)
  • Notebooks/journals: we highly recommend all participants take notes to best make sure they are remembering all instructions and to provide feedback at the end of the competition.
  • Judges & staff, please have at least 6 score sheets for each event you are working, and extra writing utensils.
  • Maintain ready access to the relevant sections of CAPP 60-75 to best score the teams, and the list of google meet codes and schedules (available on the website)

Fewer than 6: If a team competes with fewer than six cadets, see CAPP 60-75 for scoring provisions that will be made for "ghost" cadets.  If any event is missing team members, similar provisions will be made for "ghost" cadets (eg if a team of 6 submits only 4 or 5 CPFT results, or if a cadet does not submit written test results properly)


  • Cadet Physical Fitness Test, results of which will be submitted days before the competition (see below)
  • Indoor Posting of the Colors 
  • Element Standard Drill 
  • Uniform Inspection
  • Team Leadership Problem
  • Written Leadership & Aerospace Test

Random Selections: The following items will be randomly selected by roll of dice, with the selections announced the day of the competition:

  • Team Numbers
  • Which two cadets' PACER run tests will be used in scoring (for example. # 4 & 5 in alphabetical order in each team)
  • Which cadets' uniforms may be inspected
  • Other items at the Activity Director's discretion


Cadet Physical Fitness Test (CPFT):

  • NOTE: This is different than the test cadets take for CAP promotions!!
  • Carefully read Section 2-7 of CAPP 60-75, especially regarding medically-limited cadets and "ghost" cadets
  • Carefully read CAPP 60-75 for how the Cadet Competition CPFT is conducted
  • Curl-ups: These are *different* than the promotion curl-ups.  Most of us would probably call these "sit-ups"--elbows to thighs, as many as possible in 60 seconds.   See CAPP 60-75.  Max points given for 76 (females) or 81 (males) curl-ups. 
  • Pushups: As many as straight-body, down to 90-degree elbow bend, as possible on 3-second cadence.  The Cadence video/sound is provided on the above website.   See CAPP 60-75.  Max points given for 33 (female) or 60 (male) pushups. 
    • The sit-and-reach test will *not* be conducted.
    • The PACER run test will be used instead of the one-mile run
    • PACER run: details of how to conduct and score a PACER test are provided in CAPP 60-50.  An unofficial PACER Manual is included in the documents in the right side of the webpage.
    • CPFT results must be submitted by a SM Escort by midnight **Thursday, 2 Dec 2021*** (this is an update)  to, who will confirm receipt of the results when she receives them.

A blank form to record cadets' CPFT scores is available as an attachment to this email, in the Competition Google Drive, and on the website.  All teams must upload their CPFT worksheet to the Google Drive by midnight Thursday, 2 Dec 2021,.  If you have trouble uploading it, please email it to Please note cadets' ages must be written on the CPFT worksheet as this affects the calculation of their percentiles.

Indoor Posting of the Colors: Teams will provide their own Color Guard equipment (see supplies above). The room setup will follow the diagram provided on the website.

Element Standard Drill: The list of drill movements will be provided to the Team SM Escorts by the Event Marshall while the cadets are getting into position to be scored.  In other words, the team will not know the drill movements until just before they perform them.  The list of drill movements may be provided by email, screen share, or access to a password-protected file on the website.  If necessary, a SM Escort can print or handwrite the list of commands, or a cadet may look on his or her phone screen.  The timer will not start until the commands are in the hands of the Team Cadet Commander.  

Uniform Inspection:

The uniform inspection will be conducted in the same time block as the Element Standard Drill.  Judges may be the same or different as the Element Standard Drill.   Teams will not know which two cadets are being inspected until the Element Standard Drill is complete.  The first cadet to be inspected will report in to the judge on the computer.  A SM will then take the following four photos of each cadet:

  • Side view of head clearly showing hair and cover/cover insignia
  • Front view of torso showing from top of cover (hat) to gig line (beltline)
  • Front/top view of shoes showing pant or skirt length, shoelaces, and toes of shoes
  • Back view of entire cadet, cover to shoes.

The first cadet will report out and the next cadet will report in & have the same photos taken.  The SM Escorts will upload the photos to the Google Drive or otherwise get them to the Chief Judge for the uniform inspection (as of 28 Nov 2021, this will be Lt Col Derk MacPherson)

NOTE: These photos will be used only for inspection purposes unless the Public Affairs Officer is given express permissions to publish them. 

Team Leadership Problem: 

  • Materials required include at least 8 pages of standard printer paper, a writing untensil, and tape (Scotch tape or masking tape)
  • Teams with fewer than 6 cadet members may be able to use a SM Escort, but the SM Escort may only follow the instructions of cadets and may not speak or otherwise communicate with the cadet team members.
  • When the TLP event starts for a team, the Event Marshall will show and read the problem to the team.  The timer then starts.  The cadets on the team have five minutes to try the activity and ask questions.  They can then continue trying to solve the TLP for the remainder of the time block but may not ask any further questions of the judges, even marshalls, or SM escorts.  The cadet competitors may only talk amongst themselves.

Written Leadership & Aerospace Test:

  • The written test consists of 70 questions with a 70-minute time limit.  The test may not automatically close at 70 minutes, so SM Escorts must track time.
  • The test will be on Google Forms, so it is important cadets have access to a computer.  It is best if they are logged into their CAP Google account.  If necessary, they can be logged into a different, personal Google account.
  • Leadership Questions are taken from Chapters 1-8 of the Learn to Lead books
  • Aerospace Questions are taken from Modules 1-6 of the Aerospace Dimensions modules.  
  • The written test consists of several identification questions (team, CAPID, email address, etc).  Time starts when the cadet says they are starting the questions numbered 1 through 70. SM Escorts must track the time as no judges will be present.  We recommend SM Escorts help cadets get set up on the computers and load the test, which is a Google Form, on their computer and answer the identifying questions.  Have all cadets start Question 1 at the same time.  Let cadets know when they have 35 minutes remaining, then 20, 10, and 5 minutes remaining.  At 70 minutes, all cadets must have hit "Submit." They will receive a message on the screen indicating the test was submitted.  Any test results not properly submitted will be scored as "ghost" cadets as described in CAPP 60-75.

FOR JUDGES/EVENT MARSHALLS:  The secret competition information will be sent to you separately.

Blank Score Sheets: 6 printouts each of pages 27 (Indoor Posting), 30 (Element Standard Drill), 31 (TLP), and 32 (Uniform Inspection) from CAPP 60-75 (provided on the website).  Judges, please be prepared to judge *all* live events in case we need to make last-minute changes.Completed Score Sheets: Event Marshalls will upload the completed score sheets for their events to AKWG Cadet Competition Google Drive.  Make sure the score sheets indicate "Chief Judge" and name, "Assistant Judge" and name, and "Event Marshall" and name.  Event marshalls, please score events if at all possible...just in case.REFERENCES: (also see downloaded documents to the right, same versions as the links below)

MANY THANKS TO The Staff Who Made This Possible!

CAP-USAF Judges Maj Christopher Sharon & CMSgt Neverly Wake

AKWG HQ Staff: Lt Col Derk MacPherson (Judge), Lt Col Bryan Emerson (Public Affairs), Maj Ben Padgett (Judge), 1st Lt Lynda MacPherson (Judge) & 2d Lt Elizabeth Justus (DIV) 

Squadron Cadet & SM Judges, Event Marshalls & Planning Staff:

AK-009 Fairbanks: C/2d Lt Thomas Weisensel

AK-017 Arcturus: 2d Lt Elizabeth Justus & C/TSgt Ryan Justus

AK-071 Eielson: 1st Lt Carlos Rosario

AK-027 Delta: Capt Kristina Schmidt & C/1st Lt Luke Schmidt

AK-011 Kenai: Capt Timothy Cole, C/2d Lt Wyatt Cole, C/A1C Luke Cole

AK-072 Valdez: C/MSgt Cailyn Wise

AK-022 Southeast: C/CMSgt Tommy Clifton

AK-91 Gateway: C/2d Lt Colin Rice


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