Alaska Wing
Main Content

For CP Officers (Senior Members)

(Updated 10Mar24)

For periodic text/email notices when something has been updated on the CP website or a deadline is approaching,

Text @akwgcp to 81010  to receive periodic announcements for upcoming deadlines & links to updated info

(81010 is the "phone number" you are texting to.  The message you're sending is "@akwgcp" without the quotation marks :-))


Upcoming CDC calls  ( code aak-zpnn-ajn)

Starting 7pm AK Time on 2nd Wednesdays of the Month

Date Focus Topics Featured Squadron*/Staff Area
13 Mar 2024 Mid-year QCUA, Mid-year CAC, NCSA Slotting, Encampment Valdez? CAC SM Advisor
10 Apr 2024 Encampment Prep,  Progressive Discipline, NCSAs Arcturus?
8 May 2024 Cadet Wings, O-flights, more encampment :-) Fairbanks?
12 June 2024 Encampment final words, CAC recc, Review annual DCP/QCUA goals Lake Hood?
10 July 2024 Cadet Wings, Cadet/CPO Awards, Oct Wing Conference Birchwood?
Aug 2024 Cadet/CPO Awards, QCUA 8/31 Deadline Kenai/Homer?
Sep 2024 Wing Conf, Winter Enc, CadetInvest, QCUA, Eclipse Mission, Cadet Awards Delta?
9 Oct 2024 AEX, CadetInvest, Funding Travel, Flight Academies, Leg Day Selection/training Eielson
13 Nov 2024 CadetINVEST & Specialty Ratings Kodiak?/Cadet Comp AD
11 Dec 2024 NCSAs, CadetINVE$T, Flight Academy Applications Polaris?/AKWG FA ADs
Jan 2025 SoM Award (by 15Jan), NCSAs/NFAs/CadetINVE$T (by 15Jan), SUIs (esp Annual Cadet Goals Homer?
Feb 2025 Encampment, NCSA/Green Lights, YDC Report Southeast?/Enc CC, YDC Attendees
Mar 2025 Mid-year QCUA, Mid-year CAC, NCSA Slotting (1Mar), Encampment Valdez?CAC SM Advisor
Apr 2025 Encampment Prep,  Progressive Discipline, NCSAs Arcturus?
May 2025 Cadet Wings, O-flights, more encampment :-) Fairbanks?
*Fun fact about yourself, # cadets, weekly meeting day/time, latest cool activities, 
biggest challenge(s), ideas to share


6/10/24 Apropos of Nothing, A bunch of ABSORB Learning Management System Resources:

Absorb General User Guide

Absorb VOLU Instructor Guide

Absorb VOLU Student Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Cadet Achievement


Admin Page Overview

Viewing Discussions

Grading Student Work

1/10/24 Monthly DCC/CPO Chat & Checkin

DCCs & Other Interested Parties,

We had another great monthly DCC Chat & Checkin.  

Homer Senior Members gave us a great introduction to the Homer Flight and their cadets' activities.

We discussed the CadetInvest & NCSA points I just emailed to all AKWG cadets (and on which all of you were copied).

Please also see below the list of cadets who have applied so far for CadetInvest and for NCSAs/NFAs.  Please encourage more of your cadets to apply by this coming Sunday, 1/14/24.

Here is the slide I presented at the 1/4/24 Wing Staff Meeting.  DCCs started an interesting discussion last night of challenges our various squadrons face and started brainstorming some potential solutions.  If you all would like to continue those discussion, please join us at our upcoming monthly DCC Chat & Checkins 7-7:45pm on the second Wednesday of each month.  Meeting details can be found here:   If you would like to receive Reminders, text @akwgcp to 81010.

Additional Challenges/Problems/Issues we discussed included:

  • Retaining cadets, especially high school juniors (keeping things relevant and interesting to them)
  • Coordinating more O-Flights
  • Having more variety in the squadron programs (esp. weekend activities)
  • Fundraising (how to streamline the process.  Reference this webpage:
  • Uniforms (especially for smaller cadets, especially ABUs)
  • Recognizing cadets to go on to serve in the military

7/12/23 Monthly DCC/CPO Chat & Checkin

Hello, DCCs & other interested CP Officers,

It was great to see many of you on the call this evening!

Next meeting: Wed 8/9/23, 7-8pm on Google Meet code aak-zpnn-ajn

Here's a summary of what we discussed:

Cadet Wings Scholarship: (Some AKWG-specific information here:

     Extensive NHQ Info here:

  • Application in eServices under Cadet Programs, open until 9/30/23 (then CadetInvest opens 9/1/23 : -))
  • Encourage *all* cadets to apply as thoroughly as possible
    • They see what they need to be working on going forward
    • They build strong AKWG Flight Academy/NFA applications for themselves
    • They become better pilots

NCSAs (National Cadet Special Activities): 

6 cadets currently at Hawk Mountain Ranger School

8 at National Cadet Competition

4 heading to Blue Beret

2 each at Glider Academies, Honor Guard Academy & Medical (MOTS)

1 each at Civil Engineering & Aviation Business NCSA

*PLEASE ASK your cadets returning from NCSAs to email me a photo, a sentence about what they enjoyed most, a sentence about what other cadets should know before applying to that NCSA, and anything else they'd like other cadets to know about*

Cadet Awards: Due 8/25/23 by *email* to Lt Col Al Senese  Do *not* upload into eservices :-)  

Summary of all awards here, cadet-specific awards highlighted in blue:

  • AFSA Cadet NCO for each squadron
  • Brewer (AE) Cadet of the Year
  • Cadet of the Year
  • Cadet Junior Officer of the Year (C/2d Lt, 1st Lt, Capt)
  • SMs:
    • Cadet Programs Officer of the Year
    • Brewer (AE) SM of the Year
    • Senior Member of the Year

Oct 6-8, 2023 Wing Conference: Planned for UAA Aviation Technology Division.  In Search of a SM to coordinate the Cadet portion of the wing conference.

Planned sessions: 

  • Cadet Programs Tech-in-a-day workshop, 
  • Cadet Competition briefing, 
  • Flight Training presentation/workshop, 
  • Encampment preparation, 
  • NCSA/CadetInvest briefing/workshop, 
  • Fundraising

QCUA: Reminder for 8/31/23 deadline.  If units do what's possible in the next 6 weeks, a record number 8 units may get QCUA this year! The easier ones to do last minute are: 

  • Cadets pass the open-book GES-116 test in AXIS, 
  • SMs get at least a Technician rating in Cadet Programs, 
  • SMs take TLC.  (watch ...... for upcoming classes)
  • Cadets get first-time o-flights
  • These items also carry forward to future years!!

Curry in 8: CWC can be presented in person & bulk entered

O-flight plan (and available here, under "Related Documents"

NHQ CP publications/resources updated in the last few months

CEAP & Lift-Top Financial Aid:  Doled out 1st come 1st served

6/14/23 Monthly DCC/CPO Chat & Checkin

AKWG DCCs & Other Interested Cadet Programs Officers:

Our monthly chat & check-in is scheduled for 7-8pm this coming Wednesday, 6/14/23 on Google Meet code aak-zpnn-ajn (

Featured topics include Encampment (starts June 15 for staff & June 18 for students) and Cadet Wings (application window opens July 1)

Featured squadrons include Arcturus & Southeast

For details on this & other such monthly meetings, refer to:

And to sign up for monthly Cadet Programs-related emails from NHQ, please see the email message below. is the follow-up information from our 5/10/23 monthly call:

  • Curry in 8: CWC can be presented in person & bulk entered
  • AKWG O-flight plan available attached to this webpage
  • Audio "Aerospace Dimensions" now available
    • --Google podcast app
    • --Amazon podcast app (Audible)
  • CP publications updated: SDA, Encampment (and add these & other regs updates to wing staff slides)
  • CEAP: 1st come 1st served--have cadet apply sooner next year
  • "What's Happening" NHQ Cadet Programs Updates:
  • Lt Rick Benedict's first aid link:  First Aid Online (

6/1/23 Wing Staff Meeting CP Slides

5/10/23 Monthly DCC/CDP Chat & Checkin

  • Curry in 8: CWC can be presented in person & bulk entered
  • O-flight plan: See Related Document at the right side (or bottom) of this webpage
  • Audio "Aerospace Dimensions" now available
    • Google podcast app
    • Amazon podcast app (Audible)
  • CP publications updated: SDA, Encampment (and add these & other regs updates to wing staff slides)
  • CEAP: 1st come 1st served
  • "What's Happening" NHQ Cadet Programs Updates:
  • Rick's first aid link: online-only First Aid course through the American Red Cross. It is $37.

    First Aid Online ( They also have CPR & AED courses. However, for HMRS they only required First Aid 

  • Wings: 7/1/23 application window opens 

4/12/23 Monthly DCC/CPO Chat & Checkin

To AKWG DCCs & other interested CP Officer,

Wow! What a great turnout Wednesday 4/12/23!  We had great participation by 9 units.  Keeping up on all things cadet-related is such a benefit to your cadets.  I applaud your dedication to them.

Next meeting: 7-8pm Wed 5/10/23 on Google Meet code aak-zpnn-ajn

The below information, summaries from previous monthly calls, and other helpful tidbits for CP officers are posted here:

Upcoming activities/events: Alaska Airshows and cadet activities are regularly added here:

Encampment: Registration for 2023 AKWG Summer Encampment is currently full. Please encourage interested cadets to register and get on the wait list and to apply to encampments in the Lower 48.  Several encampments have advanced training squadrons and staffing opportunities for graduates.  Here are dates and POCs:

By the same token, if registered cadets decide not to attend, please ask them to withdraw their applications so others may be admitted.

QCUA (Quality Cadet Unit Award) mid-year update: 

Ideas: GES-116: Cadets from the squadrons that are gung-ho about ES can meet virtually with the other squadrons' cadets to help them prepare for & find the test in AXIS.

TLCs: When I hear about virtual Basic & Intermediate TLC classes, I list them here.  The more SMs who take TLC, the easier your life becomes.

CP Ratings: I have attached a list of all Technician-, Senior-, and Master-rated Cadet Programs Officers in Alaska Wing.  They are eligible to serve as mentors for you or others in your squadrons who will work toward CP ratings.  The more SMs who get CP ratings, the easier your life becomes : -)

NCSAs/slotting:  I just sent a detailed update to cadets who applied to NCSAs and their parents.  So far, 18 of the 31 cadets who applied to NCSAs/NFAs have been slotted into one activity each.  I suspect more will be slotted as the process continues. A copy of a detailed update I sent is available here:

CadetINVEST: Last year, only cadets who indicated a Priority 1 financial need received Lift/Top (tuition & travel to their NCSAs).  This year so far, all Priority 1 and a handful of Priority 2 have been offered Lift/Top.

3/8/23 Monthly DCC/CPO Meeting Summary

Hello, DCCs & Other Interested Cadet Programs Officers,

Fun math problem: There are about 65,000 teenagers in Alaska, and 270 of them are in CAP.  That means 1 out of every 250 teenagers in Alaska is in CAP!  That's about 4 times the national average! (25,000 cadets out of 26,000,000 teenagers in the US)

Please see below for the items we discussed Wednesday evening plus additional info I promised to follow up on:

Lots of Active Cadets! Cadets are becoming more and more active in all CAP opportunities.  That means there is more competition.  Encourage cadets with this advice... Check your email regularly (still CAP's main "language").  Pay close attention to deadlines.  Always register as soon as you are able.  Read the application closely.  Follow all application requirements.  If you encounter a problem, immediately contact your squadron leadership first for help, or ask your parent to contact the Activity Director.

Encampment: Registration opens 3/15/23 for 2023 AKWG Summer Encampment.  An email will be sent to all AKWG cadets & parents.  The registration links & other details will available here:

Note there are 60 spots for first-time students and 20 spots for Advanced students.  There are 140 AK cadets eligible for the first-time spots and 100 cadets eligible for the advanced spots.  So again, cadets need to register as soon as possible.

CAC (Cadet Advisory Council) Mid-year update:  The Alaska Wing CAC meets virtually on the 1st Saturday of each month, 7-8pm.  Once a month, please schedule CAC reports into one of your weekly meetings to give your CAC reps a chance to share with all the other cadets what's CAC is working on and how it can benefit them.

QCUA (Quality Cadet Unit Award) mid-year update: 

See attached report for all units.

Ideas: GES-116: Cadets from the squadrons that are gung-ho about ES can meet virtually with the other squadrons' cadets to help them prepare for & find the test in AXIS.

TLCs: When I hear about virtual Basic & Intermediate TLC classes, I list them here.  The more SMs who take TLC, the easier your life becomes.

CP Ratings: I have attached a list of all Technician-, Senior-, and Master-rated Cadet Programs Officers in Alaska Wing.  They are eligible to serve as mentors for you or others in your squadrons who will work toward CP ratings.  The more SMs who get CP ratings, the easier your life becomes : -)

NCSAs/slotting:  I just sent a detailed update to cadets who applied to NCSAs and their parents.  So far, 18 of the 31 cadets who applied to NCSAs/NFAs have been slotted into one activity each.  I suspect more will be slotted as the process continues. A copy of detailed update I sent is available here:

CadetINVEST: Last year, only cadets who indicated a Priority 1 financial need received Lift/Top (tuition & travel to their NCSAs).  I'm willing to help someone create a financial aid process for AKWG cadets who checked Priority 2 & 3, and we need to start soon. No guarantees on funding, but it's a possibility, and we can begin a process for future years.

Reference: Population of children by state:


Capt Karen Padgett, Alaska Wing Director of Cadet Programs

2/8/23 Monthly DCC/CPO Meeting Summary

Announcing the 2022 AKWG Squadron of Merit: Congratulations, Birchwood!!

TLC Advanced: A couple of very rare spots open for Sat/Sun Saturday, February 25th, from 1100-1630 CT, Sunday, February 26th, from 1000-1345 CT

Youth Development Conference (YDC): Along with DCPs from all over the US, I attended the January 2023 CAP YDC.  To summarize my biggest takeaway in one word, it is "REFLECT." Create opportunities for cadets to reflect, verbally or in writing, on *everything* they do in CAP, from how a TLP or a meeting goes, to the CD topics each month, with feedback meetings, promotion boards, interviewing for duty positions and special opportunities, to casual conversations with you & other SMs.  Sessions were not recorded this year, but many of the speakers this year were also present last year, and their sessions were recorded and are posted here:

Another big takeaway was how well CAP is doing things *right*!  The graphic I attached below my email signature shows "40 Developmental Assets," a list of the supports and strengths young people need to succeed.  I love that many of these are already built into CAP.  I challenge all of you to see where you can incorporate these even more!



Pick.Click.Give.  Please ask your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors to support Civil Air Patrol when they register for their PFD by 3/31/23, or when they go back in to make their Pick.Click.Give choices by 8/31/23.  Cadet Programs is the only Civil Air Patrol "unit" on the list this year.  So anything anyone directs toward CAP goes to the Cadets!!!

DCP Position Open July 2024.  My term as DCP ends 6/30/24, about 1.5 years from now.  Let me know if you or someone you know would like to know more about the position, take on some tasks that help you learn more about the position, and give you some experience.  Here's my favorite DCP job description reference:

NCSAs: Encourage cadets to register for NCSAs. (just tell cadets already registered to NOT touch their applications until they're slotted).  The application window will close 2/16/23 then reopen 3/1/23.

Green Lights: 6 cadets applied and provided insightful answers to the short essay questions.  The board has made recommendations to Col McClure.  Cadets' NCSA applications and the number of Green Lights we have is a moving target, so I'll announce the recipients later.

Flight Academies: The 2023 AKWG Distributed Powered Flight Academy begins 3/1/23 with instruction required to end by 5/31/23.  13 cadets were selected.  7 cadets are participating in the $1450 AKWG powered flight academy as planned.  6 cadets were selected for a proof-of-concept CSA, which National is subsidizing even more, and they will be paying just $450.  A huge shout-out to the Instructor Pilots who volunteer their valuable expertise and time to make flight instruction much more affordable and relevant to ALL CAP cadets than private instruction!!!!

Encampment:  A record number 45 cadets applied for AKWG encampment cadre (staff) positions.  The competition was fierce.  There are only about 25 positions, so many cadets were not selected.  We do not know yet if there will be an Advanced Training Flight at the AKWG encampment, but if so, that will be a great way for them to get great training and position themselves for a future staff position.  They can also apply to attend as advanced students, staff other encampments, and attend NCSAs in the Lower 48.  I will try to share Lower 48 encampment cadet staff requests when I hear of them.  By the same token, please let me know when your cadets are registering for out-of-state activities.  

Specialty Track Ratings: One of my favorite things to do is mentor people through the Cadet Programs specialty track, or direct people to others who may mentor them.  To make it easiest for your mentors to approve you, prepare for them a packet of "supporting documents" showing proof of all the requirements/activities, with the checklist as the cover sheet.  Scan that packet and send it to your mentor before you meet to get signed off. I have put many resources for the CP specialty track in the "Related Documents" section on this webpage:

F-22 Raptor Day: April 1, 2023 at JBER. More to follow...

CDIs: The process of becoming a Character Development Instruction is straightforward. The approval process is not very smooth yet.  If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a CDI then working through the CDI specialty track, please encourage them to keep me in the loop.  I am glad to try to help move their application through the process.

National Legislative Day: The 2 AKWG cadets chosen to accompany Col McClure & our legislative liaisons to Washington, DC for CAP's 3/2/23 National Legislative Day are C/CMSgt CJ Ancheta and C/CMSgt Connor Burnside.  Congratulations to those two cadets!!

Annual Safety/EO requirements: Please consider including Teen Online Safety in your upcoming safety briefs.  Please send me resources you have used with cadets to teach them how to recognize and avoid online dangers.  Advanced Cadet Protection is now required of all Commanders, Deputy Commanders, and Assistant Deputies.  It is available in the old LMS.

Winter RCLS in Hawaii: Have your senior-ranking cadets mark their calendars for ~12/26/23-1/4/24 for an RCLS in Hawaii! A limited number of cadets from outside Hawaii will be admitted.  RCLS or equivalent is required for promotion to C/Lt Col (Eaker).

DCP Chat & Checkin Webinars

Keep your eyes open for recent webinars on   They occur the 2nd Friday of each month and are posted soon thereafter.  

1/11/23 NCSAs

The AKWG website contains a ton of Alaska-specific info here:

  • Visual schedule
  • Testimonials & pictures  from last summer's AKWG cadets
  • Last year's roster of how many slots each NCSA had & how many slots were unfilled
  • Weblinks for more info about many of the NCSAs

And of course there are the NHQ links:


Remind cadets to *not* touch their application if they apply "ontime" before 15 Jan 23.  ANY changes (even T-shirt size) will mark their application late

A board will select cadets to receive "Green Lights." Only on-time applications will be considered.

They can still apply after 15 Jan 23 but their application is marked "late" (not a big deal for the NCSAs that don't fill up, and better than not registering at all)

If they apply ontime, it's safe to make changes at some point (when initial slotting is complete around mid-March?)

9/14/22 New CAC, Cadet Competition Brief

New CAC: The new Cadet Advisory Council year starts 1 Oct 2023.  As early in September as possible, DCCs please have your primary & alternate representatives chosen.

Cadet Competition Brief: Capt Ed Stickel, 2023 Cadet Competition Activity Director, will presented a slideshow briefing DCCs, team captains, and people interested in judging/staffing .  All Senior Members were welcome--not just DCCs : -)  The briefing slides are attached on the right side of this webpage.  The Cadet Competition Website is under "Activities" 

8/10/22 Character Development requirements, QCUA, Annual Awards

Hello, DCCs & other interested parties,


Tonight marked our one-year anniversary of monthly CP Officer calls!  Hats off to Lt Carlos Rosario for the idea!!


1a. Sign up for Remind texts: text @akwgcp to 81010

1b. Check out the latest developments on the Alaska Wing Cadet Programs webpages:

2. New Character Development compliance items


4. Awards for cadets & for SMs who work with cadets

5. Next meeting Wednesday, 14 Sep 2022, 7-8pm on Google Meet code aak-zpnn-ajn



1. To receive occasional texts (via an app called Remind that texts directly to your phone) regarding items of interest to Cadet Programs officers, including notice of our monthly virtual meetings, pretend your texting someone.  Where you would type in their phone number, instead type in the number 81010

Where you would type them a message, type the code @akwgcp


2. Character Development-related compliance items.


Recently a new checklist was added to the IG unit inspection guide.  The topic is the Chaplain Corps.  It incorporates the elements considered important for all units.  The three inspection items are:


Does the unit have a chaplain or CDI?
Does the chaplain or CDI record information on the CAPCCARS?
Does the CD lesson only include approved material from NHQ?


Here is the inspection checklist for SUI:

Here is a link to the Character Development curriculum:

(some proprietary video links are available only through the squadron commander, chaplain, or CDI's AXIS)


3. QCUA (Quality Cadet Unit Award) deadline is 31 August 2021.

A record number *six* squadrons are on track to receive QCUA this year!  (009, 015, 027, 076, 087, 093) Congratulations!


AEX: Tell your AEO or CC what 7 hands-on AE activities you did this year (name of activity, estimated #participants, date).  One must be 2 hrs or longer and can be a tour or other AE activity that was not necessarily hands-on.  


AEX award also contributes toward the Aerospace Achievement Award your squadron can earn if required activities are completed by 30 Sep 2022 (See attachment 5 of CAPR 50-1, Aerospace Education Mission,


4. Annual ("Of the Year") Awards Nominations due by 1 Sep 2022

All awards are listed here.  Most cadet awards are shaded in blue.  Please also consider nominating some of your Senior Members who work with cadets for some of the awards like Cadet Programs Officer of the Year, Squadron Chaplain of the Year, and Character Development Officer of the Year.

The email from Lt Col Senese regarding deadlines and instructions is attached to the 8/10/22 email I sent to DCCs & various other CP Officers


5. Next Monthly CP Officers meeting: 7pm Wed 14 Sep 2022 on Google Meet code aak-zpnn-ajn. 

Featured Squadron: Delta Force Cadet Squadron, Delta Junction AK

Featured Topic: Cadet Advisory Council (this term ends 31 Sep 2022.  New Term starts 1 Oct 2022.  Think about who you want to appoints as squadron rep & alternate.  Encourage your cadet officers to apply for the top wing positions (Chair, Vice, Recorder, Region Rep, Region alternate).


As always, text, call, or email you with any questions or anything you need help on.  If I can't help you, I can likely find someone who can!


Capt Karen L Padgett, Alaska Wing Director of Cadet Programs

7/13/22 Cadet Awards, Entering Cadet Duty Positions, Upcoming Cadet Activities


Hello, DCCs & other Cadet Programs Officers,

Last night we had our 11th monthly AKWG CP Officers update call.


Cadet Awards: nominations due by 25 Aug 2022, see blue rows on this page:

Entering Cadet Duty Positions in eServices

Upcoming cadet activities: See Alaska Wing Calendar:

QCUA details: As we get closer to the 31 Aug 2022 QCUA deadline, be aware of how addition of new cadets affects your number.


More details:


LATE-BREAKING NEWS!! ORWG Encampment now accepting cadet cadre (staff) applications until August for the 26 Dec 2022-3 Jan 2023 Encampment at Camp Rilea, OR.  Many AKWG cadets will be applying and can coordinate travel.  Let me know of any of your cadets who plan to attend : -)

Details attached (the ORWG Cadet Programs website will probably eventually post the info:


More Late-Breaking News! A new virtual TLC offering! Noon-6:30pm Alaska Time!!! (Most virtual classes start crazy early in the morning Alaska time!!)

This will help your squadron meet the 31 Aug QCUA Deadline!

Register here:

(You can also direct other Senior Members here who are willing to take TLC!!


Cadet-related Awards (start with the table at

*I forgot to mention last night* Be sure to nominate Senior Members who work with cadets for of-the-year awards by 25 August such as:

  • John V. Sorenson Cadet Program Officer of the Year - Recognizes the cadet programs officer who has contributed most to the CAP cadet program during the previous year.
  • Squadron Chaplain of the Year - Awarded for outstanding chaplain ministry at the squadron level.
  • Character Development Instructor (Officer) of the Year - a CDI who is enrolled in the 225 Specialty Track and has demonstrated the highest level of excellence in character development for cadets.
  • Brewer Award Category II - Senior - Recognize the SM that have made outstanding contributions, out of selfless devotion, to the advancement of youth in AE activities.
  • (and frankly all AE-related awards since cadets are a large part of AE!)

Individual Cadet Awards (every squadron encouraged to nominate eligible cadets for each award, whether or not you think they'll win at Wing level)

  • Cadet of the Year
  • Cadet Junior Officer of the Year
  • Brewer Award Category I - cadet
  • AFA AE Cadet of the Year
  • AFSA Outstanding Squadron Cadet NCO of the Year (CAPR 39-3 says deadline is April 15, but if you nominate one at AKWG level by 25 August, they will be in the running for Wing, Region & National-level awards)


The following cadet awards are awarded at the *squadron* level only:

  • AFA Outstanding CAP Cadet of the Year (January 15 annually)--NHQ recommends nominating a first-year cadet
  • VFW Cadet NCO of the Year (April 15 annually)
  • VFW Cadet Officer of the Year (April 15 annually)

Squadron awards:

QCUA (Quality Cadet Unit Award)--all squadrons who meet the criteria on 31 Aug 2022 win the award!! Details here:

Squadron of Merit (criteria very similar to QCUA but above & beyond)

AEX (Aerospace Excellence Award)--*Before* 31 Aug 2022 so you get QCUA credit for AEX, give a list of the following to your squadron commander or AEO to enter: 7 AE/STEM activities, minimum 15 min each with one lasting 2+hr--Short name of activity, date, number of cadets who participated.  


Entering Cadet Duty Positions in eServices:

Notes from the discussion:

  • To enter cadet duty positions, in eServices, go to Personnel-->Duty Assignment-->Red Duty Assignment pulldown menu-->Assign Cadet Duties.  
  • When you enter a new cadet duty, new former cadet in that position is listed, and you can hit "Delete"
  • "Delete" just sets the end date of that duty--it does not delete it from their eServices Member Record
  • You can choose the start date of the new duty position (ie backdate it if you are entering duty positions after the fact)
  • You cannot backdate end dates of duty positions--only the current date will be registered
  • You cannot enter duty positions for cadets in too low of a rank for that positions--instead enter them for a lower position, and tell the cadet to keep track (ie if you try to put an NCO in as a Flight Commander)


Upcoming Cadet Activities (all now listed on the AKWG Calendar at


22 Jul--Glider academy followup for cadets preparing for FAA flying test

23 Jul--Glider academy followup for cadets preparing for FAA oral test

30 Jul--HIWG TLC Basic Virtual Class

30-31 Jul--Cadets volunteering at Arctic Thunder Open House (JBER Air Show) POC Col Jim McCarthy (yes, just one m in his email address)

1 Aug--Alaska Wing CAC meeting (6:30pm all comers welcome)

4 Aug--AKWG cadets volunteering at check-in for 176th Air National Guard 70th Anniversary Gala

6 Aug--Alaska Airmen's Association Youth Aviation Day at UAA Aviation Technology Division (Cadets volunteering to staff)

7 Aug--Glider operations at Birchwood Airport

8 Aug--Cadet Programs Fundraiser (Facebook & Round Table Pizza at Dimond Center in Anchorage)

10 Aug--Monthly DCC/CP Officers call/chat

12-14 Aug (tentative) Juneau/Sitka/SE Mobile Training Team (Ground Team & other training)

31 Aug--QCUA Year end (squeeze in last o-flights, GES tests, AEX, etc by this date)

10 Sep--Registration opens for cadet *students* for ORWG Encampment (see below)

1 Oct--Alaska Wing Conference (possible additional 30 Sep & 2 Oct cadet activities)

1 Oct--CadetInvest Applications open

3 Dec--Alaska Wing Cadet Competition

4 Dec--Alaska Wing Cadet Programs Conference

15 Dec--NCSA schedules start to post (can start registering)

26 Dec-3 Jan--AKWG cadets helping staff ORWG Encampment

28 Dec-3 Jan--AKWG cadet students attending ORWG Encampment

30 Dec--CadetInvest application window CLOSES

15 Jan--NCSA Registration ON-TIME DEADLINE




Hello, AKWG DCCs and other interested parties,  Here is follow-up information from last Wednesday's monthly call 


2022 Alaska Wing Encampment

Registration Deadline: 8:00 p.m. Thursday, April 28, 2022

Registration Instructions: 

Encampment Financial Aid Instructions (a separate process):


The 2022 AKWG Summer Encampment will be held at JBER Sunday, June 12 to Saturday, June 18 for students (staff report in on Thursday, June 9).  Encampment provideS cadets with a foundation from which to build on their Civil Air Patrol careers. Register soon!  

To view the 2022 AKWG Encampment Promotional Video, click here:

DCCs: The encampment staff HIGHLY recommend you have a "bag drag" in the month before encampment, requiring encampment students to bring all of their packed encampment luggage to a weekly meeting, then unpacking it and helping them compare it to the encampment packing list

Other prep for encampment: TELL CADETS TO BREAK IN THEIR BOOTS!! :-)

And I will be contacting all DCCs to coordinate "Overnight Training," a Character Development-style group discussion where we'll be tying core values and cadet protection to appropriate behavior, recognizing inappropriate behavior, and what to do if you know of something improper going on.  As mentioned on tonight's call, and as a heads-up, this is a link to the sexual harassment-related video that is part of the discussion:

We may have a "Senior Member Encampment Experience" training, possibly 4 hr/evening on ~4 days during Encampment. While catching glimpses of the encampment cadets and using their classrooms when they're not using them, we could work on knocking out the requirements for Cadet Programs Technician and Senior ratings with some senior-ranking cadets present to practice on, cover some of the TLC material more in-depth (such as the tough stuff like progressive discipline), share best practices and other ideas, and basically help any interested Senior Members learn more about AKWG Cadet programs.  SM students could attend all 4 days for just one day here or there.


CAC Update 

Major John Bittle, AKWG Senior Advisor for Cadet Advisory Council, updated us on the great involvement and progress the CAC cadets have made up to this half-point of the CAC year.  DCCs, please (1) remind your CAC reps to attend and (2) ask your CAC reps to provide your squadron monthly CAC progress updates. See Screensnip below for CAC's summary slide from the last Wing staff meeting. THE APRIL 2022 MEETING MINUTES ARE NOW POSTED HERE:


National Cadet Special Activities (NCSAs)



AK 009 654416 Shelby Elizabeth Rider  C/A1C 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 009 662688 Paul C Smoot  C/TSgt 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 009 652051 Andrew W Smoot  C/CMSgt 453 NFA - PCR/RMR  Glider - Wendover UT
AK 011 611993 Andrew Wyatt Cole  C/2dLt 412 NFA - UT Wing Day Flight Academy Powered - Price UT
AK 015 636865 Michael Joseph Porter  C/Capt 337 HMRS Cadet Staff - Kempton PA
AK 015 624626 Logan M Wong  C/2dLt 269 National Blue Beret Cadet, First Time Basic - Oshkosh WI
AK 015 624626 Logan M Wong  C/2dLt 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 017 619756 Orion H Bender  C/MSgt 249 AF SUPT-FAM  Course - Columbus AFB MS
AK 017 620958 Adrienne Elizabeth Martin  C/CMSgt 217 Aircraft Mx & Manufacturing Basic - Independence KS
AK 022 630632 Thomas R Clifton  C/CMSgt 249 AF SUPT-FAM  Course - Columbus AFB MS
AK 022 630632 Thomas R Clifton  C/CMSgt 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 027 645409 Matthew E Medlin  C/CMSgt 375 MAR Honor Guard Academy Basic - State Mil Reservation-Virginia Beach VA
AK 072 660696 Josiah  Wise  C/SMSgt 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 072 660697 Caelyn  Wise  C/CMSgt 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 072 660695 Christina  Wise  C/CMSgt 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 076 659204 Rick Reagan Benedict III C/CMSgt 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 076 661522 Benjamin A Parker  C/TSgt 445 Great Lakes Region Cybersecurity Academy Systems Course - Big Rapids MI
AK 093 670381 Keena Liberty Bennett  C/SrA 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 093 656232 Taran E Harris-Barnes  C/2dLt 247 AF SUPT-FAM  Course - Laughlin AFB TX
AK 093 631231 Sigge Alexander Mellerstig  C/1stLt 373 E-TECH (Robotics) Basic - USAFA, Colorado Springs CO
AK 093 631231 Sigge Alexander Mellerstig  C/1stLt 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 093 612457 Alan W Padgett  C/LtCol 213 Space Operations Academy Course - Patrick AFB FL
AK 093 671123 Grania Valentina Wegemer  C/SrA 317 HMRS All Other-Cadet Course - Kempton PA
AK 093 604280 Annika Elizabeth Ziesmer  C/LtCol 375 MAR Honor Guard Academy Basic - State Mil Reservation-Virginia Beach VA


Many are heading to Hawk Mountain Ranger (Search and Rescue) School, with others attending flight, honor guard, space operations, and robotics academies.  Eleven have been offered funding for tuition and transportation through CadetInvest.  Several NCSAs still have openings--check out the Cadet Officer School, Civil Engineering Academy, Hawk Mountain, E-Tech, Honor Guard Academies, and all the NCSAs at the US Air Force Academy.   Cadets can register up to the day before the NCSA begins and must have attended Encampment.  For those who met the "ontime" registration Jan 15, it is now safe to make changes to your application without losing your priority.

NCSAs information:

Mark your calendars: Next CadetInvest (Financial Aid) Application Window: Oct 1 to Dec 31, 2022

Next NCSA "Early Ontime" Deadline: Jan 15, 2023



Preparing for the Region Cadet Competition


On April 6, the Kodiak Screaming Eagles hopped a Space-A flight from Kodiak to JBER to meet up with the Birchwood Beavers for a practice cadet competition.  The Kodiak Screaming Eagles are Kodiak Composite Squadron's Cadet Competition Team members.  The Birchwood Beavers team consists of 4 cadets from Birchwood Composite Squadron and 2 cadets from Lake Hood Squadron.  Capt Ed Stickel provided invaluable mentoring, coaching, and teaching to all cadets, Senior Members, Air National Guard, and CAP-USAF personnel present. Color guard events were filmed and debriefed by both teams.  For the uniform build, all cadets paired up and tried correctly decorating the hardest of all CAP uniforms--a Class B dress blues shirt of a fictional female Cadet Airman who has earned several badges and ribbons--no pockets on which to align the ribbons and name tag, and not enough stripes to tell when the rank insignia are parallel to the edge of the collar! For the uniform inspection, cadets from the two teams inspected each other--talk about tough judges!  We wish both teams luck as they compete in the Pacific Region Cadet Competition April 22-24 at the North Las Vegas Army National Guard Readiness Center in Nevada.


Here are not-for-public photos from the Practice Competition (if this link works--you probably have to be signed into CAP Google account)



AEX: Aerospace Education Excellence  


All Alaska Wing cadet units have now registered for AEX, the Aerospace Education Excellence award that all units can earn.  The next step is to enter all your STEM activities.  Cadets, keep track of all of your squadron's AE and other STEM activities, and ask your AE Officer or Squadron Commander to enter them in eServices before August.  This award shows others how dedicated your squadron is to STEM.  It also contributes toward your squadron's Quality Cadet Unit Award (QCUA) and Aerospace Achievement Award.  Wouldn't it be cool if all 13 Alaska cadet units received all three awards this year?


Glider Academy Fundraiser

The 2022 Alaska Wing Glider Academy will be held at Clear Space Force Station May 25 to June 5.  To defray the costs of the Glider Academy, staff and students will host a car-wash-a-thon 0700-1600 Saturday, April 30th near Polaris Squadron in Anchorage.  Stop by! Tell your friends! If you will not be in the Anchorage area that day, or if your car is already clean,  you can help support the Glider students by donating through this Facebook fundraiser


Upcoming Air Shows

The following Air Shows are coming up soon. Cadets, coordinate with your squadron leaders to attend or help out.  If attending with other CAP members, be sure to include Senior Members.  Unless otherwise specified, the uniform is ABUs.  Represent CAP proudly!


May 7 & 8 (Sat & Sun), 2022, Alaska State Fairgrounds & Palmer Airport: Great Alaska Aviation Gathering: 

May 13-15, 2022, Valdez Fly-in:

July 30-31, 2022, Arctic Thunder, JBER:

3/9/22 CAC, VFW Awards, NCSA Update, Surplus Uniforms, QCUA Check-in

Hello, AKWG DCCs and other interested parties,

Here is follow-up information from last Wednesday's monthly call as well as the Fri 11 Mar National DCP Chat & Checkin (which you can view here:

Cadet Advisory Council (CAC): We'll discuss in April instead, and hopefully Maj John Bittle, CAC SM Advisor will be able to join us.

NOTE: Please ask your squadron reps for reports the first meeting of each month.  Let your other cadets know they can let their CAC reps know any issues the CAC may be able to help with.  And help your reps remember to attend the CAC at 6:30 pm every first Monday. Meeting dates, times, agendas, minutes, etc are available here:

VFW Awards deadline 15 April 2022: Consider awarding one cadet NCO & one cadet officer in your squadron with the VFW award.  It's a squadron-level award, so your squadron leadership gets to decide.  *E-mail* the awards writeup to, and you will soon thereafter receive the certificate, ribbon, and medal.  The awards write-up does not need to be fancy or elaborate--it's not competing at a higher level or anything.  Cadets who receive VFW awards get more points in the CadetInvest scholarship process and the AKWG greenlight (NCSA) selection process.  Plus is gives them something else to put on their resume.  As the cadets learn in Chapter 1, great leaders recognize the great work their people do :-)

NCSAs: So far, AKWG cadets have been slotted into 25 NCSA spots.  As the slotting process continues, we expect more.  Please let me know of any cadets you hear about receiving LIft/TOP financial aid for attending their NCSAs and NFAs.  NHQ tells me who gets CEAP, Wings, and other scholarships, but I have no idea who gets Lift or TOP, and I'm curious to know if it was worth the huge effort to encourage so many cadets (30) to apply for it.  So far, 8 cadets are slotted for Hawk Mounts, about 8 for various Flight Academies, and the remainder for SUPT's, honor academies, and Space Operations.

Boys & Girls Club (BGCA): NHQ has been partnering with the Boys & Girls Club of America to give us access to some of BGCA's resources.  If you'd like to find out more, feel free to register to attend one of the March webinars described below my signature.  If you attend, please let us know at the next monthly DCC call.

Cadet Survey Results Webinar: Curt LaFond will be hosting a webinar at 9 am AKST on Friday 18 Mar 2022 presenting results of the 2022 Cadet Survey.  A link to the webinar will probably be here:

Uniforms: Thank you for sending folks to pick up surplus uniform & cold weather gear that was donated

  • Communication between Operations/Pilots/Cadet Programs has improved and pilots are taking cadet uniform stuff when they relocate aircraft.  Very helpful!!
  • Delta: A friend of a parent of a cadet took a big pickup truckload of stuff up to Delta
  • Tok: Col Briar was able to take a few boxes of surplus to Tok
  • Fairbanks: Maj Low has offered to be an interior "hub" for uniforms.  A planeload of stuff when to Fairbanks 6 Mar 22.  Maj DeFabio has a pickup truck load he's taking up 13 Mar 22
  • Gateway: Lt Rice filled a couple of duffles with surplus Gateway will be able to use & took it to Gateway 12 Mar
  • SE/Sitka: 2 boxes and 2 big bags have been staged at the Lake Hood Maintenance Hangar since July 2021 for someone to take to Sitka and/or Juneau
  • Kodiak: 1 big leaf back of cold weather gear (possibly sleeping bags) has had a "Hansen/Kodiak" tag on it at the Lake Hood Maintenance Hangar since August 2021.

QCUA: Here's a rough current analysis with some celebrations & some recommendations.  Spreadsheet with details attached...

    • 4 Squadrons already meet QCUA criteria (watch numbers as you add new cadets): Polaris, Delta, Birchwood, Lake Hood
    • 2 more squadrons *very* close: Arcturus & Kodiak
    • 2 Squadrons *almost* have enough cadets (10) to be in the running: Valdez & Tok just need *one* more cadet
    • Kodiak, Gateway, Kenai : Individual cadets can request o-flights whenever passing through Anchorage 
    • Fairbanks, Kenai, SE, Eielson, Valdez, Birchwood, Tok, Gateway 
      • GES: Ask C/Lt Col Kat Lukic (uses CAP Gmail) to have a session with your cadets to help them find & pass this test
    • AEX: All except SE, Polaris & Tok are registered. Keep track of all hands-on (15 minutes) STEM (doesn’t have to be aerospace) activities plus any 2-hr tour, STEM activity etc.
    • --ask your commander or AEO to enter them into the  eservices-->AE--> AEX module
    • Encourage all SMs in your squadrons to take TLC class & work on Cadet Programs Specialty Track ratings

Stay safe & stay connected!!


Capt Karen L. Padgett

Alaska Wing Director of Cadet Programs (DCP)

Lake Hood Cadet Squadron Commander

Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary

(M) 907.350.8533

2/9/22 Youth Development Conference Info, Emergency Services (GES-116), Glider Academy

Thank you to those who were able to participate in our monthly call. Here are some resources for you and for those who weren't able to join:

CAP 2022 Youth Development Conference Information (January 2022):

Video link for all the sessions:


Col Porter discussed the Diversity/EO/Non-Discrimination lesson completion which is due 25 March.

To document the briefing: eServices>Menu>Safety>Safety Information & Reporting System (SIRS)>Log Safety Education>Safety Drop-down menu: CAP In-Person Safety Education (or) Other-Electronically.

Subject/Title: Annual EO/Non-Discrimination Training.   I'm able to select my organization and check all the boxes of the members who completed the training. Click "Add to List," and then hit Submit. Alternatively, you can enter their CAPIDs. 

Those who aren't able to attend the squadron Commander's Diversity/EO/Non-Discrimination lesson can complete theirs in AXIS: eServices>Menu>Online Learning>Learning Management System>AXIS>Annual Diversity EO and Nondiscrimination Refresher Course>Open.


Col Porter also discussed the GES 116 General Emergency Services training/test as a mandatory precursor for activating one's ES training qualifications. The test is "open book" (Use Control-F to find key words). Josh Jones adds the following:

"For more information on GES 116 please visit  General Emergency Services Training Materials | Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters ( This link contains the needed training material for GES.  As a reminder, members register for the test through AXIS.

Additionally, to register for ICS-100 and 700 visit the following links:

FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100

FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-700.B: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System"

Members are encouraged to grab any opportunity to take ICS-300 and ICS-400, as they are often difficult to get access to, and are required for some qualifications.

Download any/all certificates for any ES courses you complete, as they will need to be uploaded into the SQTR for the qualification you're working on.

Make sure that each certificate is its own document; don't combine several certificates into the same document/PDF.


Hawk Mountain Ranger School was mentioned by Col Porter, as a number of AKWG cadets have applied to attend, and he will be attending, as well.

There will be AKWG pre-Hawk training that will occur before the cadets fly to PA for the NCSA. Watch your email for those notifications. They may be attended virtually, as well.


Glider Academy was briefly discussed. The AKWG Glider Academy page is:  .  

Additional GFA information is found here:

Thank you again for your active involvement, and we'll see you again on 9 Mar 2022 at 1900 for the next monthly call! The link will probably be: 


Capt Kristina Schmidt

027 Delta Force Cadet Squadron - PCR-AK-027 Commander

Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary

1/12/22 SUIs, NCSAs, ABUs, SoM, Chief Speeches, Encampment, Overnight Training, COVID Phase 1

Deputy CC's for Cadets & Other Interested Parties,

As always, we had more information than time to share!  Here are the basics of what we discussed, a few additional items that have come up since our 12 Jan 22 monthly meeting, and links to some resources.

Featured Squadrons were Birchwood & Polaris.  It's great to hear how other squadrons are doing and what they are up to.

Irish talked about the process Polaris Squadron uses for cadet duty positions--determining the jobs, how cadets apply (resume, LOI, board interview), how they are selected, and how long they serve.--we all had so many questions for Irish on this topic that we obviously need to have this be a feature topic soon! I think he said he had some templates the rest of us can use.  If so, I will post those on this page:

SUIs: If you are helping your Squadron Commanders with their January SUI uploads (or in preparation for an inspection), you can help them by providing them the B-1 (Cadet Programs) worksheet and the supporting documents listed below, links to which are provided on

or feel free to create your own documents.  If you are not sure where to start, you can use these as a starting point, or you can provide them directly to your Squadron Commander as-is. If you create your own annual goals for your squadron, be sure to somehow indicate that they are reviewed each quarter.  Otherwise, feel free to upload the FY22_Annual_Cadet_Goals_cao1Oct21 (which is basically the QCUA report, which includes specific measurable goals as required) and the Quarterly Updates that will be on same website

  • Q05_TLC_Progression_cao10Jan22
  • Q06_FY22_Annual_Cadet_Goals_cao1Oct21
  • Q06_FY22_1st_Quarterly_Rvw_of_Annual_Cadet _Goals_caoDec21
  • Q11_Cadet_Protection_Report_cao10Jan22
  • (For any SMs who have taken Cadet Protection but don't show on this report, you can print their "Professional Levels" Level 1 report to pdf and upload that as an additional Q11 document


NCSAs: When we met, cadets were still signing up for NCSAs and NFAs (National Cadet Special Activities and National Flight Academies).  By the 15 Jan 22 deadline, here's what AKWG had!

  • 31 Cadets from
  • 10 Squadrons for
  • 34 different activities for a total of
  • 109 applications


Top NCSAs/NFAs applied for by AKWG cadets, slots & # applicants nationally:

  • Hawk Mountain Ranger School (15 AKWG cadets, 300 slots, 312 applicants)
  • National Blue Beret, Cadet First Time (8 AKWG cadets, 60 slots, 424 applicants)
  • WA Wing Glider Academy (Ephrata, WA) (7 AKWG cadets, 12 slots, 94 applicants)
  • PCR/RMR Glider Academy (Wendover, UT) (5 AKWG cadets, 20 slots, 129 applicants)
  • Total all glider academies--25 AKWG applications, avg 10% slots-per-applicants
  • Total all powered flight academies 14 AKWG applications, avg 15% slots-per-applicants

Cadets can still apply for NCSAs and NFAs up until the day before the activity starts if there are still openings--they just won't get "ontime" priority.  

It will be very exciting to see who gets slotted for which NCSAs, how many cadets receive TOP/Lift funding to attend NCSAs, and what they all learn from these awesome experiences.  We have developed a process for recommending greenlight selection to Col McClure.

We will be sending an email to all NCSA/NFA applicants (and copying CDCs) on what they can be doing now to prepare for the activities they might be selected for.

Here are some new developments since the 12 Jan 22 meeting: 

Please no more Surplus ABUs: We are overwhelmed with ABUs.  PLEASE let me know if your squadrons needs a shipment of miscellaneous ABUs and random winter gear.  Feel free to accept whatever your squadron can use., but please do not accept anymore on behalf of wing.  Wing has more than we know what to do with.  We have completely run out of storage space and are storing things in people's personal garages & storage units.  Squadron Commanders are getting irritated by people dropping stuff off at their squadrons with no specific recipients in mind.  

Squadron of Merit: Congratulations to Polaris Squadron for being the 2021 recipient of the Squadron of Merit award for AKWG! They will go on to compete at the Region level for the Squadron of Distinction award.  Squadron of Merit recognizes the top cadet unit in the Wing and is selected by the Wing Commander.  7 squadrons were eligible this year. Mark your calendars for 10 Jan each year to request the SoM report from your Squadron Commander and nominate your unit for this award!

Chief Speech Standardization: Three cadet chiefs from one squadron were ready to give their "Chief Speeches" all at the same time.  They gave their speeches online in front of 4 SMs.  The SMs (from 3 different squadrons) were wanting to see how others scored cadets for these speeches and essays.  Their findings and some information that may be helpful to all of you when you have cadets at this stage can be found here: 

Feel free to reply all (or reply to just me) with additional suggestions and help you have, and I'll try to capture it on that page.

Encampment Staff Applications:  Cadets can apply for 2022 AKWG Summer Encampment Cadre (Staff) positions until 9 Feb 2022.  More info here: 

If any of you are interested in helping staff as a Senior Member, please let me know.  We have most positions pretty well covered, so no need to put the word out to SMs in other wings (I'm getting lots of requests).  Some of you have already staffed encampments or already spoken up.  Thank you! If you haven't staffed an encampment before, I think you would enjoy it, get a lot out of it, and be impressed by what you see.  20 encampment hours also count toward your Cadet Programs Senior Rating, even if you're not working on that rating yet : -)

Encampment Student Applications:  Cadets will be able to apply as students any day now.  Keep your eyes open for that.  Information is available here: 

Overnight Training: Starting with the 10 AKWG cadets who attended ORWG Encampment this winter, Alaska Wing is rolling out some training for all cadets who will be participating in overnight activities.  This training was developed by a task force of AKWG cadets and senior members with assistance from the USAF & US Army SAPR and SHARP offices and the CAP National chaplain corps.  Please keep your eyes open for that as we get closer to Encampment (and possibly some short overnight activities between now and then, depending on AKWG's COVID phases)


Phase 1: Please continue to share your innovative ideas for keeping cadets engaged and active in CAP despite being back in Phase 1.  Here are some ideas

(1) Birchwood basically has two simultaneous meetings separated by lots of space with no one passing from one meeting to another. 

(2) Polaris meet in 2 “shifts”— an early meeting about 5:30-7pm then a separate one 7-8:30pm. Then they assign cadets “homework” (hands on activities they can take home, Promotion work, etc) to make up for the short meetings

(3) Lake Hood will probably be virtual for CD meetings (4th Tuesdays). Anyone is welcome to attend! You could even have cadets there in person & log in for the CD portion if that helps at all. For our 1 Feb ES meeting, we’re planning to bundle up & be outside the whole meeting. I think Elizabeth Justus has a ton of AF cold weather gear she can bring to that meeting & hand out liberally (and cadets can keep it—we have way too much AF surplus right now)

It’s also getting tougher to know ahead of time if we’ll have enough SMs at a meeting with so many people getting sick and/or exposed.  So…how SMs can keep a positive attitude. Maybe focusing on planning for the summer—I hope applying for CadetInvest, NCSAs & flight academies give them something to focus on for the future. They can apply to staff encampment now. And Encampment Registration will open soon. The AKWG SAREX info just went out. We can think of other outdoor things to do as soon as possible (or as bundled as possible). 

Let me know what I might be able to help with. I’ll keep trying to get the word out among the CDCs of ideas everyone has of  how to not lose cadets’ interest. 

Next monthly CDC call: Wednesday 9 Feb 2022, 1900-2000 (7-8pm AK time) on

Featured topics: YDC summary from Capt Kristina Schmidt, and ES update from Col Irish Porter or  Lt Col Steve Sammons


Stay safe & stay connected!!

Capt Karen Padgett, CAP

AKWG Director of Cadet Programs

12/8/21 Cadet Awards, SUI Help (esp Goals Documents), NCSAs (esp CadetInvest)


(1) By 30 Dec 2021, Have all cadets who have graduated encampment apply for at *least* TOP/LIFT in CadetInvest.  This may help cover NCSA travel costs if they decide to attend an NCSA.  More details on NCSAs to follow.

(2) Let me know name & HS graduation month/year of *any* cadets who are planning to apply to the service academies (Air Force Academy, Annapolis/Naval Academy, West Point/Military Academy, Coast Guard Academy, Merchant Marine Academy). We will soon offer 2 cadets to opportunity to travel to Wash DC ~16-21 Feb 2021 to meet with congressional delegates to represent CAP.  This is a tremendous opportunity for cadets who may soon be asking congressmen for Service Academy nominations!!


It was great to catch up with so many of you Wednesday.  Here is a summary of the meeting with some additional references.  The info in this email will also be posted on the AKWG website "CP Officers' Blog" here:


Featured Squadron Kenai: Hats off to Maj Jan Bobek for inspiring us to more community service with Kenai's Iron Mike project.  

Interestingly, Friday's (10 Dec 2021) DCP Chat & Checkin (a monthly DCPs have with the National Cadet Team), the national strategic goal of Community Service was discussed.  Curt LaFond (National DCP) is soliciting ideas for increasing cadet participation in community service.  More on that next month!!

Our featured topics this month were SUI Help (Cadet Goals), Cadet Awards, and NCSAs including CadetInvest


SUI Help: You Squadron Commanders will be uploading all their SUI documents sometime between now & 31 Jan 2022 for their annual upload.  Here are documents you can create to help them with the Cadet Programs portion of their upload:

Cadet Programs SUI Worksheet: Q-'s below refer to Questions on the Worksheet.  Download the pdf called "SUI B1 WS Cadet" from this website:

  • Q05 TLC: As of yesterday, I believe all cadet units now have at least 2 SMs who have completed TLC.  Yay!!! The TLC report can be downloaded here for subsequent upload by Sq CC to the IG portal.  It's available in "Member Reports"
  • Q06 Annual Goals.  IF YOU WANT, feel free to use the template I created based on QCUA criteria.  You can make is as fancy as you want.  The template is available in the right column of this website:
  • Q07 Written schedules for cadet meetings for last 3 months
  • Q08 & Q12: If you have a website, provide a link to show your cadet activities including "Saturday" activities 
  • Q11: Cadet Protection: Download. The Cadet Protection report is available in "Member Reports"

Cadet Awards: We discussed the following  "non-August-25" squadron-level awards.  This is a good time to select 2021 awardees.  You just send the CAPF 120s to the organization address, and they will send you the decorations:

As the cadets learn in Chapter 4 of "Learn to Lead," awards are an important leadership tool in the Toolkit for Motivating The People You Lead.  Let's lead by example and award the cadets for their hard work and great attitudes.  Receiving the following awards also gives them "points" on their CadetInvest applications, as discussed below.

PRO TIP: Start simple: Award one cadet in your unit the AFA award by 15 Jan 2022.  Cadets receive a very recognizable ribbon they can wear on their CAP uniform.

Cadets then need to request the ribbon to show up in their eServices record.  

We can discuss awards again as we get closer to the Aug 25 awards deadline for awards presented at the Wing Conference.


NCSAs: Cadets can now apply to attend NCSAs.  Anytime between now & 15 Jan is considered "on-time."  They can register after 15 Jan but have a lower chance of getting into competitive NCSAs.  Some NCSAs (like Hawk Mountain Ranger School) usually continue to accept applications well after 15 Jan.  NCSAs listed here:



BLUF: Encourage every cadet who has been to an encampment to check "Top/Lift",  check a financial need category (I imagine most can't easily budget for Lower48 travel for NCSAs), put checkmarks in all applicable boxes, and submit.

Goal by 30Dec2021: 60 applications.  As of 12Dec, 10 have applied.

More details: 

I found out I *can* see cadets' applications even after they are approved.  So ignore my request to let me look at them before unit commanders approve them : -) Cadets can easily update their applications until 9am AKDT on 31 Dec by going back into CadetInvest, clicking different boxes or uploading documents, and resubmitting.  It does not have to go through the approval process again.

Here are some of the most helpful resources I've found so far...

PRO TIP: Consider posting pg 14 of CAPP 60-43 in your squadron to motivate cadets to earn more points on the scoring (eg 3 pts for community service ribbon, 2 points for Mitchell, 2-3 points for serving on CAC, 3 points for competing in Cadet Competition, 8 points for 4+ ES ratings)

Next monthly meeting: 7pm Wednesday 12 Jan 2022 on Google Meet aak-zpnn-ajn


text @akwgcp to 81010 for CDC/Cadet Programs Officer updates


11/10/21 Cadet Interactive, CadetInvest & Other Updates

Deputy Cdrs for Cadet (& other interested parties),

Great attendance and participation in Wednesday's meeting, and we covered a *lot* of information.  It was great to hear from so many of you.

Reminder: To receive text alerts of these meetings & other relevant info, text @akwgcp to 81010.  Nearly all CDCs are now on that alert system.  Also see this website for summaries of our monthly calls:

CPC: Cadet Programs Conference (VIrtual): Tell all your cadets and SMs who work with cadets: Attend the First Ever AKWG Cadet Programs Conference (Virtual) on Sunday 5 Dec 2021, 10am-4pm. Info will be regularly updated here: 

TLC Basic: Tell your Senior Members!! WAWG offering TLC basic 8am-4:30pm Alaska Time.  Registration & details here:

Questions for all of you:

  • Who would like to take TLC-Advanced (virtual) 26-27 Feb 2022? There *may* be an additional spot for an AKWG CDC
  • Who would like to attend the CAP Youth Development Conference (virtual) 14-17 Jan 2022.  There may be *one* spot available for an AKWG CDC
  • Warning: There are strings attached to the above two amazing opportunities :-)

Featured Squadron: Kodiak: Capt Ed Stickel told us a little about himself and Kodiak cadets.  He famously shared his AE 2-year Quarterly plan for cadets.

Featured Topic 1: CadetInvest: Encourage all cadets to apply for CadetInvest if they are ever planning to pursue *any* flight training or attend *any* NCSAs (even if the non-aviation NCSAs!).  

Featured Topic 2: Cadet Interactive (the new way for cadets to do promotion work)

Late-Breaking News:  For the *very* latest in CP news from the national level...the 12 Dec 2021 DCP Chat & Checkin will be posted here:

Next Meeting: Wednesday 8 Dec 2021 at 7pm on Google Meet aak-zpnn-ajn

Featured Squadron: Kenai

Featured Topics: NCSAs, SUI help (esp Cadet Squadron Goals), Cadet Awards

10/13/21 Monthly CDC Meeting--Aerospace Ed, Flight Academies & Other Info

Hello CDCs & other interested Cadet Programs Officers,

Feel free to forward this email to any interested parties.  All info provided below will also be posted here ( and will be updated on the website if there are any egregious errors below.

On Wed 13 Oct 2021, we held our 4th CDC Update Meeting.

Featured Squadron: We heard from Gateway Squadron's CDC 2d Lt Travis Robbins and CAC Senior Advisor (also from Gateway) 2d Lt Kimberly Rice.

Gateway Squadron cadets meet on Mondays starting at 1830.  They meet virtually for about 45 min then do their separate (Ketchikan/PWI) activities in person.  Gateway has 11 cadets with 3-4 more joining soon.  They are very into drones/sUASs, many members already having their TRUST certification.  They are registered for and preparing to complete in CyberPatriot!

Gateway received great support from their local communities (Ketchikan & Prince of Wales Island) including businesses donating money, meeting space, high-speed internet service, and inter-island fairy transportation for CAP members for CAP activities.  Way to go, Gateway!!

Special Guest: AKWG AE Officer 1st Lt Lynda MacPherson.

Lt MacPherson told us how to earn the AE Excellence Award (AEX), how to order & report on free STEM Kits, and how to earn the AE Achievement Award.  Ed Stickel shared the attached 2-yr AE plan for Kodiak Squadron.  Kodiak cadets are enjoying the wide variety of short YouTube videos, and Ed is open to suggestion for more hands-on activities.

Units that already have STEM kits (as of 16Oct21) are listed below.  As soon as AARs are submitted on these kits, new STEM kits can be ordered (and your unit will get credit for having completed one!)  Some STEM kits require users to have their TRUST certification.  To take the test & see how to upload your certificate to eServices, go here:   (the test is open-book & pretty easy even for a non-aviation-expert)


Criteria to earn the AE Achievement Award are listed in Attachment 5 of CAPR 50-1 (8 criteria total: 4 mandatory, minimum 1 each internal & external to total 8)

The ACE Program matches Alaskan elementary & middle school with cadet units, providing the cadets with curriculum for 3 classes (30-60 min each) that can be taught in person or virtually.  Polaris Squadron volunteered to work with Eagle River Elementary.  Lt MacPherson is looking for additional cadet units to work with another school in Anchorage, Wasilla Elementary, and Egegik School.  Contact her at if you are interested.


Flight Academies: Also on the topic of AE, Col Porter introduced the 2022 AKWG Flight Academies.  Some of the high points are listed below.

Both Powered & Glider Flight academies will be wing activities as opposed to national activities (NFAs or NCSAs).  This allows us to prioritize for Alaska cadets, better create a strong pipeline of cadets apt to seriously pursue flight training by competing the slots, and more easily plan without having to wonder what COVID phase we will be in.  

Tuition will be higher than for an NCSA, and we plan to counter the higher cost this way:

(1) Give cadets a higher chance of staying in Alaska for a flight academy and not having to travel to Lower 48

(2) Coach selected cadets and alternates through the CadetINVEST and other scholarship applications

(3) Encourage & support cadets in fundraising activities

*Note: Equivalent training privately (ie outside CAP) would cost approximately $3000 (ref:


Glider Academy: Planned for 27 May - 5 June 2022 at Clear Space Force Station (in the interior), at a cost of $1220 (some of the above of which may decrease costs)

We plan to accept 4 advanced students, 6 primary "solo-phase" students, and 6 orientation flight students.

Activity Director: Lt Col Brian "Irish" Porter

Distributed Power Academy: Selected students will spend approximately one week with their instructor sometime between 1 Mar & 15 April 2022, based on logistics that best support the students, the instructor, and the aircraft available.  

We plan to match each instructor with an airplane, 2 students, and support staff as close to the hometown as possible to the students. 

This is described as a "distributed" activity because it will be geographically distributed based on the circumstances of each instruction cohort.

It will also be "asymmetrical" in that much of the learning and other preparation leading up to the academy will be completed on the student and instructors' schedule, often virtually or independently.

This cost is estimated at $1100 per student. (Note this is a correction from the 10/16/21 email karen padgett sent out)

Activity Director: Maj Ben Padgett

Other Topics of Discussion:

Many sections of the AKWG Cadet Programs website ( have been updated and are still under construction.  Please provide comments, updates, edits, ideas for other info that would be helpful to all of you...

Next meeting: Wednesday 10 Nov 2021, 1900 on Google Meet aak-zpnn-ajn.

Featured Squadron: Kodiak

Featured Topics: Cadet Interactive, CadetINVEST & Specialty Ratings

10/9/21 Aerospace Ed & Other Updates

(text code @akwgcp to "phone number" 81010 to receive a text alert whenever I send out an update like this...)

BLUF: TO REMIND: our next Monthly Cadet Programs call is coming up 1900 (7pm) Wed 13 Oct 2021 Alaska Time on Google Meet aak-zpnn-ajn.

For our monthly call, Our featured squadron is Gateway with Lt Kimberly Rice &/or Lt Robbins.

Our featured topic is Aerospace Ed with guest Lt Lynda MacPherson, AKWG Director of AE.  To best prepare for our AE discussion, please ensure your squadron commander or AEO has registered your squadron for the AEX for the 2021-2022 year.  Feel free to invite them.

We get to hear about AE as it applies to cadets, the AE Excellence award, STEM Kits, and the AE achievement award, AE-related community service, and AE fundraising cadets can help with.

I'll also talk about the upcoming AKWG Powered & Glider Flight Academies, and scholarships to help cadets cover their participation for that & other flight instruction.


Other late-breaking news...

Cadet Competition Teams for AKWG 4 Dec 2021 Virtual Cadet Competition: So far I've heard Tok, Birchwood, Lake Hood, ..........................    

ORWG Encampment--Several cadets from Lake Hood Squadron are planning on attending the 28 Dec-4 Jan Oregon Encampment.  Tuition is only $100 for AK cadets!! Applications close 11 Nov. If any of your cadets register, I'm glad to help coordinate travel if they want to meet up with Lake Hood cadets and Anchorage or Portland airport

Cadet Interactive & many other Cadet Programs "refreshes" (regs, pamphlets, super chart, etc etc) now expected 26 Oct 2021.

HQ Cadet Programs Update: 2nd Friday or most months, DCPs nationwide have a recorded call with NHQ.  The link to that call is posted (8 Oct 21 call at the bottom) here & covered encampment support, cadet competition, NCSAs, Ray Aviation Scholarship, & Cadet Interactive updates:

Website: We've started to build out the Cadet Scholarship & Cadet Fundraising pages on the AKWG website:


TLC Classes: More virtual TLC classes are being offered (details listed here:

  • TLC Basic Saturday 16 Oct with the Chaplain Corps (you can also help teach if you need that for a promotion or rating)
  • TLC Basic Saturday 23 Oct with ORWG
  • TLC Intermediate Mon/Tue/Thur 18/19/21 Oct with MDWG
  • TLC Advanced in February--Let me know if you're interested in attending. 

9/17/21 Interim CDC Monthly Checkin (Just moved to COVID Phase 1)

Screening: When meeting in person, screening (symptoms & taking temperature <100.4F) is critical.  Make it so people are comfortable not attending in person if they have any symptoms, and let them know alternatives (virtual option that week, other things they can work on independently, wait till a future meeting, etc).

Waivers: The February 2021 Interim Change Letter waivers for drill, speeches, PT, & feedback meetings are still in effect until 31 Oct 2021.  Here is a link to the ICL and a screen snip of the Table 1 summary is below:


Some fun suggestions some units are doing:

Facemasks ideas: Color-coded face masks based on rank--cadets of a certain rank or with certain job duties get to start wearing a facemask of a certain color (with the regulated colors). Consider designing a facemask unique to your unit (ie regulation color with a small logo) or ordering some of the CAP facemasks from Vanguard ($7.55 each,

Pods: Consider physically separating the cadets into 2 flights, or into higher-ranking cadets & lower-ranking cadets and meet in separate parts of your building.  Or having one group meet virtually and the other meet in person. Or have two simultaneous meetings, one virtual & one in-person.  The people who have symptoms or can't wear a mask or otherwise prefer to meet virtually can still participate that way.

Radios: The pods can coordinate using radios, thereby getting in some radio practice on top of everything  : -)

Virtual ES

  • Sgt Rescue: The ES resource Capt Schmidt recommended for use in virtual (or non-virtual) settings is Sergeant Rescue.  Col Sammons said the instructor for Sergeant Rescue is a CAP member, a Hawk Mountain instructor, and a paramedic with much experience.  They occasionally offer free online lessons, and their lessons are very in-depth and interesting.
  • Facebook: Capt Schmidt learned about Sgt Rescue on the CAP ES Facebook group:
  • GES-116: Col Sammons (with his other hat as AKWG ES) said we can offer the GES-116 test as a group test

Vehicles: No more than 10 people in a vehicle.  Screening before getting in the vehicle is critical, same as before a meeting.

Running: Masks not required while running a timed mile or PACER test.  Maintaining distance is important (as is screening of course)

Color Guard at a Community Event: Best if the first few rows of seats are empty when the color guard posts the colors so there is ample distance between the cadets and the attendees.  Best if arrangements are made to not have to later retrieve the colors.

Some of the not-so-fun stuff:

Facemasks are part of the uniform: We discussed that, just like other parts of the uniform are sometimes difficult to remember, inconvenient, or uncomfortable, for now, facemasks can be thought of a just another part of our uniforms.  We can use the same words to enforce facemasks that we use to, for example, remind a cadet to wear their cover, button their pockets, take out their extra earrings, etc.  We reflect our parent service (the US Air Force) in wearing facemasks just like they are required to do on Air Force bases nationwide.

CCIRs (Critical Commander's Information Review): If your unit is experiencing problems in your local community due to CAP requirements regarding COVID (or anything else for that matter), Col Sammons suggested writing a CCIR email to your squadron commander. 

9/9/21 CDC Monthly Checkin

Video of lastest NHQ DCP Chat & Checkin (10 Sep 2021 & before):  (if you'd ever like to attend, 2nd Fridays 0900-0945 Alaska time, please email

NHQ Cadet blog on 5 October 2021 Cadet Publication Refresh:

Regulations for preview:

All NHQ Cadet Blogs:

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